Yoshitsune: Chapter 8- Your Christmas

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*Ally's POV*

I felt something poke my face and I felt it with my hand while I still had my eyes closed. Hm? Is this a nose? I don't think this poked me... It was softer...

I open my eyes to see Yoshitsune's face by mine. I was holding his nose. "Good Morning... And goodnight..." I say and cover myself with the blankets again. I heard Yoshitsune laugh and he pulled me towards him. "You need to wake up ally."
"But I'm so comfy..."
"It's Christmas."
"What do you even do on Christmas...?" I ask and look back at him.

He looks surprised. "Have you never celebrated Christmas?"
"No. Well nothing I can remember... My father passed away and my mom was ill. I didn't have time to do things like, celebrate holidays and stuff like that..."
"Well, on Christmas, you exchange gifts and just spend time with friends and family."
"That's it? I knew about the gift part already but I thought there was more to it."
"Well there's a turkey dinner, you can set up Christmas trees, and... Fruit cake. It's kind of scary how they say a fat man dressed in red breaks into your house and flys on magic reindeer."

I start laughing as he got carried away. "Wait. Yoshitsune, what time is it?"
"You woke me up so early! Doesn't everything start at 11:00am? What are we going to do till then?"
"Oh I guess your right. We can cuddle and talk now though, right?"

I smiled and we snuggle up to each other. "What are you and the guys like on Christmas?" I ask and he smiled as he explained.

"We always have the same thing going on, every year. Everyone dresses up as Santa and put their presents under the tree just for fun. Usually Hyosuke, Goyo, and Enya are really loud about it. In the morning, Hyosuke always wake us up at five in the morning by jumping on our beds. He has to wake Hyuga up last so Hyuga won't kill him. Mizuki passes the presents around and we have to remind him to give himself one. Kazemasa, Benkei, Enya, and I are in charge of the fireworks in the backyard. Hyuga cooks and tries really hard to keep Goyo out of the kitchen so he won't wreck the food. Sohma and Goyo are in charge of games and party poppers. After everything is finished we sit around in a circle and tell stories about the past year."

I smile as I listened to his usual Christmas. "Sounds like a lot of fun."
"I'm sure we will have fun this Christmas."
"Me too! I'm really glad we got to go out like this, but isn't this really expensive?"
"It's fine. Everyone deserves a trip away from home."

Time slipped by us and when I looked at the clock it was 10:25am. "Hey, we should get up." I say and he stared into my eyes. His gaze made it impossible to look away. His cheek soft brushed my cheek and he pressed his lips against mine. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck.

I'm okay with just doing this...

Spending time with the one I love.

It's a nice feeling.

~ To Be Continued ~

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