Hyosuke: Chapter 7- Days and Days

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*Ally's POV*

- Math Class -

I tried my best to pay attention but I ended up closing my eyes and falling asleep on my desk. I felt something hit my cheek. I open my eyes feeling tired and I felt on my face. Something wet and small. I peel it off my cheek to see a spit ball. "Ew!" I screech and the whole class looks at me.

I see Hyosuke face palm himself. "You don't have to scream." Hyosuke whispered. "I couldn't help it. It startled me." I replied back. "I know class is boring but please try and stay awake."

- Art Class -

My eyes felt heavy as I was painting and my head fell down and smashed off the table. "Ow!" I yelled and held my hand on my head. "You okay!?" Hyosuke asked and I nodded removing my hand. "Hyosuke! I'm bleeding!"
"Uh... That's paint..."
"Are you sure your okay?"
"I don't know... Maybe..." I sighed.

- Lunch -

I sit down with the guys and I take out my sandwich that Hyosuke make for me. Unfortunately I couldn't eat it. I brought it to my mouth and froze. I brought the sandwich back down and looked at it. "Not your type of sandwich?" Hyosuke asked and I shook my head. "That's not the problem. Sorry. I'm just not hungry."

He looked at me worried. I stood up. "I'll be right back." I said and walked away. The guys watched me walk out of the cafeteria without saying a word. I walked into the girls bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. "What's wrong with me...?" I asked and looked down into the sink with my mind elsewhere. After I stare down for a while, I look back up in the mirror.

I was more pale than usual and my eyes were more closed then open, like I didn't have the strength to have them open anymore. I sighed and started to splash my face with water before heading back to the cafeteria.

I sit back down with the guys and joined in on a conversation. I found Hyosuke staring at me the whole time.

- After School -

Hyosuke and I stood facing each other, looking into each other's eyes. "I'll be back in a few days! Don't worry!" Hyosuke said trying to lift my spirits. "Yeah I know..." I muttered and gazed down at our feet. I clench my fists and look back up at Hyosuke. "Come back quickly and safe." I said and he smiled brightly. "You got it!"

He kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheek and then finally my lips. It was short yet sweet. Hyosuke turned on his heel and walked into the bus. As soon as he stepped into the bus, I felt drowsy and my eyes were heavy as lead. Every time I blink, it took a while for me to open my eyes back up again. I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me and I held onto the pole to keep my balance. I look back up at the bus and see Hyosuke glancing out the window with a worried expression.

I tried to show him I was alright with a smile but the smile never came to my face. I couldn't even force it at this point. The bus door closed and the bus was out of sight in no time. I sighed and walked up the street back to my house, unstable on my feet. I was about to walk into my house when someone called out to me. I look towards the voice and see Goyo.

"Want to come out with us for a bit?"
"Ah... Sorry Goyo, I'm not feeling up to it right now... Maybe another time..."
"Ah... Sure..."

I walk inside and set down my things. I look at the clock. "4:18pm..." I mutter. Suddenly my vision grows blurry and I black out.

When I wake up I'm laying in the middle of the floor. I push myself off the ground and to my knees. I look at the clock again. "8:52pm... I only passed out for a few hours." I said and make myself some dinner. I started eating and my vision was blurred once again. I passed out on the table.

When I woke up I looked at the clock again. "7:40... I need to get ready for school..." I mutter and got changed, packed lunch, and got my shoes on. I left the house and the guys were just leaving too. "Ally!!!" They all yell at me and rush over. "What?" I asked. "Your alive! Thank goodness!" Goyo said and I scratch my head.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Ally, it's been 3 days since we have seen you." Sohma said. "What!?"
"What happened in there? What were you doing for that long?"
"I... Slept... But..."
"For 3 days!? Have you been eating!?"
"I'm not hungry."
"Have you checked your phone? Hyosuke was getting worried.

I quickly pulled out my phone. "11 voicemails!?" I put my ear to the phone and listened.

"Hey Ally! It's Hyosuke! It should be dinner time for you right about now! What are you having for dinner!? Too bad I'm not there with you... Anyways, give me a call when you get this!"
"Hey Ally! Are you already gone to bed!? Guess so if your not answering. Hope everything is going well!"
"Good morning Ally! It's dark and rainy over here and I'm really missing you! Hope to hear from you soon!"

"Ally!? How are you!? Why aren't you answering your phone! I heard you didn't make it to school today! Please be well and answer!"
"Ally your starting to worry me! It's 11:00pm and I haven't heard anything from you! Your worrying me to death over here! Please pick up and tell me your alright!"
"I couldn't sleep last night... Please answer your phone...!"
"Ally! I heard you weren't at school again! Please pick up! I'm super duper worried about you!"
"Ally please pick up!"
"Pick up your phone please!"
"Are you safe!?"
"Ally! Please pick up!"


I felt drowsy again and I collapsed on the cold cement. Everything was black.

I heard distant voices gradually get farther and farther away.

My body is limp and weak.

My heart broken as ever.


~ To Be Continued ~

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