Hyosuke: Chapter 1- Calming Tone

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*Ally's POV*

I stand up and take a deep breath. "Time to head back..." I mutter to myself and when I was about to enter the forest... Something caught my eye...

I slowly look up in the tree and see Hyosuke looking down at me. I scream and fall over. "Whoops! Did I scare you!?" He asked and jumped down from the tree. I put a hand on my heart and let my head hit the ground. Hyosuke laughed. "Guess that's a yes. Sorry bout that!"
"Whatever... I just want to lay down now..."
"I'll join you!" He said and laid his head on my lap.

"Eek! What are you doing!? I'm not a pillow!"
"Come on let's just enjoy this for now." He said with a rather soothing voice. I smile and put my head back down on the ground.

"The night sky, sure is beautiful..." I say with admiration. "Yeah. It's nice to relax sometimes."

Hyosuke seems calmer than usual tonight. A couple minutes pass and I slowly began slipping into sleep. As I was just falling asleep, I heard Hyosuke "Lets get you home." And he lifted me up in his arms. I had fallen asleep right after that.

I slowly open my eyes to see Hyosuke's face in front of mine. "Eek! H-Hyosuke!?" I yell and he wakes up. "Hm... You sure are loud for someone who doesn't like to wake up early..."
"What are you doing in my bed!? Why are you even in my house!? Why are you sleeping with me!? What time is it!?"
"So many questions..." He grumbled and pulled the covers over his head. I pout and look out the window.

"Snow? But it's not even Halloween yet..." I mumble and look at Hyosuke who burrowed himself under the blankets. "It's a snow day... Go back to bed..." He mutters and tosses over.

"Get out of my bed!"
"What's the difference with sleeping in a bed and sleeping on your lap...?"
"No answer!? Then I stay!"
"Ugh! There's a bed and sheets you little-- hey!"

I was pushed out of the bed and landed on the cold hard floor. Hyosuke landed on top of me, looking like he pinned me down. I grew red and look away.

"Now there's no bed or sheets! Can I sleep now!?"
"Sleep at your own house!"
"I'd rather your bed!"
"You can have the sofa!"
"Or I could take the bed!"
"Then we sleep together!"
"That's not an option!"

Suddenly the door flung open.

"Enya!?" I screech as Hyosuke still looked like he pinned me down. "You savage..." Enya muttered and Hyosuke yelled.

"I'm not you! Get your mind out of the gutter! Jeeeeez Enya!"

~ To Be Continued ~

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