Chapter 27- Basketball

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*Ally's POV*

After I finished cleaning up in the field we all sat down on the roof of the school. "How long have you lived here, Ally?" Yoshitsune asked.

"I lived here since I was born. I grew up here but... It was pretty lonely when I was a child. I would only have myself to talk to... I would say my problems out loud to myself as if someone was really listening. I got use to it though. I stopped talking aloud and I found myself stuck in the middle of bullying." I said gazing out into the distance and then looked up at the sky.

"But... Did you know?
When your darkest days are gone, light will shine back down on you." I said and looked over at them who were smiling.

I can't tell them that they are my light... But I like things how they are now so it wouldn't matter. I thought to myself.

- Tuesday - First Class -

"The teacher is late..." I groaned and put my head on my desk. "If you sleep now, you won't wake up when he actually shows up." Benkei said and I looked up.

"It's your fault I'm so tired! Keeping me up all night with your snoring..." I said and smacked my head against the desk. "Sorry..." Benkei apologized and the guys laughed.

"Do you cheer today, Ally?" Goyo asked. "Hm...? Oh, yeah I cheer for the basketball team today..."

Hyosuke jumped out of his seat. "Woo hoo! That's our Ally!" He said excited and I asked "how much coffee did you have this morning?"

Hyosuke smiled and held up three fingers. "Your going to be jumping off the walls...!"
"Want some coffee? I brought another cup just in case."
"In case what? You wanna tap dance?" I asked and Hyosuke gave me his coffee.

"Thanks... What were we talking about again?" I asked and the teacher walked in. "Take your seats, class has now started." Mr. Mellow said and began teaching.

All class I heard Hyosuke's feet tapping on the floor.

- Lunch -

I ran into the gym with the cheerleading squad and lead the cheer for when they all come in. I watched them come in from the corner of my eye and they practiced shooting before the game.

Where is Hyosuke and Kazemasa? I asked myself and looked around. I look over in the stands and the guys are all there. No Hyosuke and Kazemasa either.

Times almost up, they are going to miss it! When I think that they both come running in with a couple other players. Hyosuke spots me and yells "you still look super cute!" And runs off. I blush red and look the other way.

Sakura walks up to me and asked "do you have a thing with one of the guys you hang out with?"
"A thing...? Oh! N-no, nothing like that." I say and turn red, shaking my hands in front of me.

"Your blushing really hard though."
"Am not..."
"Yes! Your whole face is red! Who is it!?"
"Ugh! Will you drop it?"
"Fine... But if anything does happen... Tell me because I absolutely love romance!" She said and walked away with a smile, leaving me thinking.

Is it love that I feel when I'm around them? No... It's for one of them... I only feel that way when I'm around him...

"Ally! We have to cheer! Get out of your daze!" One of the cheerleaders say and I snap out of it. "Right! Sorry!"
"Jeez... Your hopeless..."

I concentrated on cheering for Hyosuke and Kazmasa's team for the rest of the time.

- End Of Game -

"Good work out there, you two!" I say walking past them. "Where are you going?" Kazemasa asked. "I have to clean up. I'll meet up with you guys later." I reply and Hyosuke walks over to me. "I'll help you!" He said grabbing a basketball from my hand. "Ah! Hey! Hyosuke!" I chased him around the gym and I heard the door open. The rest of the guys came in. "Are we playing keep away?" Goyo asked.

I pouted and said "not funny... I'm trying to clean up." Hyuga walked over and said "chasing a guy who has a ball, isn't cleaning." I stomped over to him and looked up at him. "I want to do my job!"
"So now you like cheerleading?"
"No! I mean- I... Ahhh!" I scratched my head frustrated.

Everyone laughs and puts something away.

I'm left with putting away the cheerleading stuff.

I look over at them and smile.

What an odd group...

~ To Be Continued ~

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