Chapter 33- Didnt Want To Tell You

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*Ally's POV*

I look at the dress and frown. "I can't do it... That's way to embarrassing to wear... I'm just watching so it isn't a big deal if I'm not wearing a dress." I mumble and shoved the dress back into the closet.

I pack up my textbooks, got dressed, tamed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. "We still have an half an hour to leave." Mizuki said and I sigh. "I don't want to go to school..."

"You never want to go to school!" Hyosuke said and I replied flopping down onto the couch. "Yeah but today is a dance... I don't want to go to that..."

"Don't let down that guy that's taking you to the dance. He's lucky..."
"I said don't let down that guy that's taking you to the dance."
"What did you say after that?"
"I didn't say anything after that."

We goofed around a bit and then went to school. Lunch time came around and the dance was being held in the gym. I walked in with loud music being played and leaned against the wall, watching people dance. The teacher walks over to me. "I attended! You can't get mad!" I say and he sighs.

"I said participate! Where is your date!?"
"I don't have one!"
"I thought one of students you hang out with were going to ask you!"
"I think they already have dates!"
"I don't even see them here!"
"What!? They looked really excited for it though! They are probably still getting ready!"

We both yelled over the loud music. Mr. Mellow waved his hands "whatever you say! I have to go now!" He said and walked off. I sighed and Sakura walks over to me.

"Where is your dress!?"
"I didn't bring it!"
"... I don't wanna wear it!"
"Come with me for a second!" She said and pulled me into the girls change room.

*Enya's POV*

I don't get the point of coming to this dance if Ally already has a dance partner. All I wanted was to dance with her.

I walked in with the guys and we all looked around. "I guess Ally must be already dancing! I don't see her!" Yoshitsune said.

"Im going to get a drink!" I say and walk over to the punch bowl. I reached for my cup and I heard yelling.

"No! I'm not going out like this! it's so embarrassing!" I look over and see Ally in a beautiful pink dress with black long sleeves that sat below her shoulders. Her hair was put in a cute side ponytail that rested on her shoulder.

She talked to Sakura for a little and then Sakura left. Ally thumped herself against the wall, cutely playing with her dress. I walked up to her. "Where is your dance partner, cutie!?" I asked and she flushed red. "W-w-what are you talking about!? A-anyway's... What about you!? Where is your partner!?" She asked.

"I don't have one!"
"Huh!? But you could get any girl in the whole school to dance with you!"
"Including you!?"

The music changed into a slow one and I smiled. "Dance with me Ally." I said holding out my hand.

She blushed deeper, looking away, and placed her hand on top of mine. I smiled and pulled her close. She set her hand on my shoulder as I moved mine to her hips.

"So... Where is that partner of yours?"
"I... Lied..."
"I didn't want to tell you guys because I thought you all, already had dates to the dance..."
"Actually, none of us do."
"But why? You guys are so cool! Is it because you hang out with me?"

I spun her around and held her close again. "It's nothing like that. We simply chose one person and we thought she had a date."
"It was one person you all had your eye on?"
"She must be pretty..."
"She is. She's beautiful."
"Sorry, you have to dance with me and not her."

I sighed. "Your so dense sometimes..."
"Hm?" She cocked her head in confusion and I let go of her hand.

I moved my hand to her chin and lifted it up to look at me. Her eyes sparkled from the lights and her soft lips caught my eye.

I closed my eyes and pushed my lips onto hers. I felt her body jolt a little and she gripped my clothes.

I did it again...

I got carried away...

~ To Be Continued ~

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