Chapter 16- What Happened To Hyuga?

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*Ally's POV*

- Monday -

"No! Absolutely not!" I yelled. "What? Why?" Sohma asked as everyone was getting ready to leave. "Come on! It's not that bad! You will just get a lot of attention!" Hyosuke said.

"No way, I'm going to school looking like I escaped from the zoo or the pet store!" I yelled and my ears pulled back.

"Feisty." Mizuki mumbled and grabbed his bag. "We won't force you to go. It's either you go or you don't. That's it." Hyuga growled. "What about you?" I asked.

"We are going." Kazemasa said and his ear twitched. "Well, wouldn't people get freaked out from your ears? They look too real to be fake, so you can't say that. You will scare them more than anything." I said and tried to stop them from leaving.

"We will be fine, Ally." Yoshitsune said and everyone walked over to the door and opened it. My ears and tail dropped and so did my gaze. "Do what you want..." I mumbled and turned around to go upstairs. I heard the door close and I stopped. I looked behind me and they were gone.

Curious, I ran to the window and looked for them. I spotted them walking down the road laughing as Hyosuke spoke. "Oh well... At least are having fun..."

*Mizuki's POV*

As everyone laughed I noticed Ally looking out the window at us sadly. Her ears pulled back. She turned around and left the window. "Should we leave Ally there all alone?" I asked and everyone stopped. "It doesn't feel the same without her." Kazemasa said and we all look back at her house.

"I feel bad that we left her like that. We should go back for her." Hyuga said and we all look at him surprised.

"What happened to hyuga?" Enya asked and everyone shugged. "Gah... Let's go back!" Hyuga grunted and we ran back into the house.

Ally peeks her head around the corner and yells "There is such thing as knocking!" We laughed. "Ah, that's better. The sound of no relaxation." Hyuga sighed. We laughed and Ally sighed.

Everything was then enveloped in smoke. "Ally!" We yelled through the smoke.

*Ally's POV*

I cough as the smoke surrounded us. "Ally!" They called out and the smoke started to fade.

"Are you okay?" Benkei asked and I nodded. "I'm fine but... Your ears and tail are gone!" I say as they all run over.

They all look back and feel around on their heads then look back at me. "Same with you!" Hyosuke said and I held my breath. They tilted their heads. "What's wrong?" Goyo asked.

"We are going to be late!" I yell and a moment later, we grabbed our bags and dashed out the door.

Since they were Ninjas, they could run way faster than me. I yelled "you guys can go! You can make it on time!" Yoshitsune stops and I crash into his back. "Egh! Yoshitsune? What's the matter?" I asked and everyone else stopped and faced us.

"We will all make it. Are you ready? We are cutting through the woods." Yoshitsune said and turned around to look at me. "Alright, let's go the- wha!?" I never finished as Yoshitsune picked me up. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck from reflex.

"Hold on tight." Yoshitsune says and everyone runs like the wind into the woods. I clutched onto his clothes and buried my face in his broad chest. After a while I felt us stop and I slowly looked over and we were about a minute away from the school in walking pace.

Yoshitsune gently sets me down and we run to the school. "You know where our class is right?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Good, I'll meet you there." I said and we split ways to go to our lockers, fast walking.

That's strange...

I usually don't care if I'm late.

Why do I care now?

~ To Be Continued ~

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