Chapter 3- Kazemasa and Sohma are my tutors?

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*Ally's POV*

We walked around the building and outside, showing everyone around. Enya and Goyo kept asking about girls, as expected. Mizuki stayed quiet the while time. Which was also expected.

Lastly, Hyuga kept telling us to walk faster and that we talk to much... STILL expected.

I guess they really don't know that they are in destiny ninja. I didn't recognize them because they look so real now and not from the game. But there is NO WAY I can tell them about this.

We went back to class and once again, I got glares from the girls. I felt my shoulders droop a little and my eyes cast down. I felt someone touch my arm as I was about to go sit down. It was Sohma.

He opened his mouth to say something but Mr. Mellow started talking and everyone looked at him. I walked back to my seat without another word and put my forehead on the desk.

Mr. Mellow introduced the guys to the rest of the class and I sat there silently. Mr. Mellow was going to continue but his phone rang and he answered it.

"Hello? I'm in the middle of teaching, yes. When!? Only 15 minutes. Yeah, I'll be there soon." He hung up.

"Something came up and I have to go. Do what... Kids... Do... Just don't break anything. I'll be back after break." With that, Mr. Mellow left. I put my head back down on the desk and listened to all the girls make a fuss.

"where are you all from?"
"What school did you transfer from?"
"Are you single?"

I rolled my eyes looking down at my lap. "Where we are from isn't inportant--" Hyuga began to talk but Goyo cut him off. "I'm from the mainland! We were all homeschooled!" Hyosuke went along with Goyo. "We are all single!"

I heard all the girls make weird noises as they finished speaking.

I finally get to meet them and I don't think I'll even get closer with them than right now. Besides, they will have girls hanging off their shoulders all day too.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I groaned. "Sakura, what do you want? I'm not in the mood." I said not lifting my face.

It was not Sakura who replied though. This voice was much deeper. "Sorry to disappoint you but... I'm a male." I looking up slightly to see Kazemasa.

"Need something?"
"We are interested in you and we want to get to know you better."

I stared at him silently and then burst into laughter. "That gets me everytime." I said and out my face back onto the desk.

*Hyosuke's POV*

While we were talking to some classmates and Kazemasa left to go talk to Ally, who sat alone at a desk with her head down... We heard laughter coming from where Kazemasa went. Everyone looked over at them.

She said something I couldn't hear and put her head back down. Kazemasa looked a little surprised and walked back over. Enya slapped his back. "You realize you weren't suppose to make a joke."
"I didn't."
"Then what did you say?"
"I told her what you told me to tell her."

Enya looks at Kazemasa with 'a look' and said "then why was she laughing?"
"I have no idea. She's weird."

Mr. Mellow came back into the class and said "I need to speak with Ally, and the new students in the hall please."

*Ally's POV*

The teacher called is outside and I followed them outside. Glares were still shot at me as I walked out with them again.

Mr. Mellow began speaking as we all stood in the hall. "I understand you boys are all living together, correct?"

Everyone nodded. "I would like it if Kazemasa and Sohma would tutor Ally." He said and everyone nodded again. I stood there silently and I finally grasp the situation.

"Wait what!? No! I don't agree with this! I'll just try harder!" I refused. Truth be told, I can't even hang out with Sakura without people bullying her for hanging out with me.

I don't want them to have the same thing because of me.

Mr. Mellow looked at me and shook his head. "That's that and we are sticking to it."

He is well aware of what I put people through... So why is he doing this?

I sighed and the bell rang for lunch.

~ to be continued ~

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