Hyosuke: Chapter 6- Trick No Treat

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*Ally's POV*

"How long are we staying out till...? It's already 9:00..." I asked rubbing my eyes. "What are you talking about? We have another hour and a half!" Hyosuke said with his usual careless smile. "But I'm tired..." I complained and Hyosuke stopped and grabbed my hand looking directly at me.

"Want me to carry you again?"
"Th-that's not the problem...! I want to sleep."
"Please stay out for just a little longer! This is your first time out trick or treating and I you to make the most out of it!"
"Plus everyone will be running out of candy pretty quick here!"

I sighed and nodded. "Alright."
"Yay! Your the best!" Hyosuke said happily and pulled me along to the next house. When we got there the man said "I just ran out of candy." The man closed the door and Hyosuke clapped. "Now the fun begins!"

I looked at him confused and he rushed over to the guys. "What are our options?" Yoshitsune asked and they all crouched on the ground going through a bag. "Ooh I want the eggs!" Hyosuke said and Hyosuke walked over to me with 4 eggs in his hands. "What's that for?"
"Just wait and see!" He smiled handing me 2 eggs and the rest of the guys came over. Mizuki, Sohma, Goyo and Hyuga had silly string. Benkei, Enya, Yoshitsune and Kazemasa had toilet paper.

What's going on?

Mizuki, Sohma, Goyo and Hyuga all took off the caps on the silly string can and shook it. They started spraying silly string all over the house. Meanwhile, Benkei, Enya, Yoshitsune and Kazemasa were throwing toilet paper in their trees. They passed the toilet paper back and forth till it covered the whole tree.

I looked down at the eggs while the guys were coming back. "Ally! Get ready to run!"
"When I say 'throw', throw the eggs at the house!"
"Wait a minute Hyosuke!"

He threw his eggs. I closed my eyes and threw mine at the house. "Run!" Hyosuke said grabbing my hand and started running down the street with the rest of the guys. "Y-you guys are the worst!"
"Everyone does it ally!" Hyosuke said and we stopped a little farther down the street.

"Look." Mizuki pointed behind me. I turn around to see a house covered in toilet paper. "That's why it's called 'trick or treating' I you don't get a treat, they get a trick." Enya explained. "Still doesn't seem right... Can I go home now?" Hyosuke laughed.

"Sure! I'll walk you home! I have to talk to you anyways!"
"Are you done for the night then Hyosuke?" Yoshitsune asked.
"Yeah. I'll walk Ally home and then I'll be back at the house. You guys staying out?"
"Yeah. We still have a bunch of eggs to throw."
"Alright. Let's go ally!" Hyosuke said grabbing my hand. We both walked off together.

"Tomorrow after school I won't be here for a couple days." Hyosuke said. "What? Why?"
"I have somethings to take care of back at the water village. It shouldn't take too long."
"I see... Okay."
"Oh! And make sure the guys keep their hands to themselves!"
"Huh? U-uh... Okay..."
"I don't trust half of them when I'm not here!"
"I'm sure they will be fine."
"I don't want them to steal you away from me!"
"I wouldn't worry about it. My heart won't belong to anyone but you."

Hyosuke smiled at me with red cheeks. It almost feels like a dream being here like this with Hyosuke. But I know that this love is true.

Hyosuke walks me to my doorstep. "Today was a lot of fun!" He said happily as we stood face to face. "Yeah! I have to admit, even the last part was fun."
"You only live once, right!?"
"Hehe yeah."
"Have a good night, Ally! I'll come pick you up tomorrow for school!"

Hyosuke brought his hand to my face and placed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this last moment with him for the night. With my heart beating against my chest, I wrap my arms around his neck. This kiss got deeper by the moment and his lips eventually part with mine.

"Goodnight Ally!" Hyosuke said and he started to leave. I smile at his back. "Goodnight Hyosuke." I said and went inside. After I got into my room I take off Hyosuke's clothes I was wearing and throw on some pj's. I barely slipped them off before falling onto my bed. As soon as I hit my bed I drifted off to sleep.

"Ally..." I hear a distant voice call out to me. It was so faint I could barely make out any words. It continued to call out to me for a while. I felt a faint touch on my face. It felt so far away. Who's calling out to me? Who's touching me? Why am I struggling so hard to open my eyes?

I put all of my effort to open my eyes. I squint and my eyes slowly opened. "Jeez! What are you doing!? We are going to be late for school!" Hyosuke said leaning overtop of me. Both of his hands were squishing my cheeks together. "School...?" I mutter still half asleep. "Yeah! Hurry and get dressed!" He said pulling me up. Hyosuke pulled some clothes out of my drawers and set them beside me.

"I'll go make your lunch! If your not dressed when I get back up here, I'll have to dress you!" He said making me fully wake up. "No I'm fine! I can do it myself!"

He laughed and ran out of the room. I quickly got changed and rushed downstairs. Hyosuke was just packing my lunch into my bag. "Good your up! We have enough time to walk to school!"
"Where is everyone else?"
"They already went to school."
"They are?"
"That and they aren't allowed to walk in here at their own will anymore!"
"Aren't you taking this a little too seriously...?"
"No not seriously enough!"

Hyosuke kissed my cheek and opened the front door. "Let's go!" He smiled and we both walked to school.

My eyes felt heavy.

My body felt weak.

What's wrong with me?

~ To Be Continued ~

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