Yoshitsune: Chapter 2- I Won't Run Anymore

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*Ally's POV*

I made up my mind. I walked back outside and walked over to Yoshitsune's. I stood in front of the door and shook nervously.

I can do it... I can do it...! I repeat in my head as I slowly lifted my hand and made it into a fist. I took a breath and knocked. It probably won't even be him that answers. I think to myself and the door opens. Yoshitsune answered it.

Dammit... Spoke too soon...

"Uh... Can I talk to you for a second...?" I say in a small voice and he quickly stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

"What's the matter?" He asked curiously. I open my mouth but nothing comes out but air.

I-I can't! W-why!? I asked myself looking down and he stands there waiting patiently. If I can't talk I need to show him that I love him.

I look up at him and I move my finger to tell him to come here. He bends down. I move towards his face and place my hand on his cheek along with my lips on his. I quickly moved away from him embarrassed.

"Ally...?" He mumbled questioningly. "I love you..." I say shyly and he smiled and pulled me into his arms. I cling onto his shirt from the front. He stroked his hand underneath of my chin, pulling it up to look at him as we once again came in for a kiss.

This time it was longer. I stood on my toes kissing him back. It started to get cold and I began to shiver. "Come in and warm up." He said still holding me. "I live right next door. Can't I warm up there? We have school in the morning." I say and he opened the door and leads me inside.

"You can stay the night then."
"... Devil."
"What do you take me for?" He asked laughing and I smiled. "Ally is here?" Benkei asked peeking around the corner.

"I knew it!" Enya yelled from the other room. "Lier..." Mizuki sighed walking over.

Wait... What's my relationship with Yoshitsune!? We both confessed so does that mean we are dating or... Are we suppose to confirm it!? I was confused and my cheek heated up thinking about it. Yoshitsune leaned over laughing "your red, Ally."
"W-wha!? I am!?" I asked putting my hands on my cheeks.

"Ally your getting even redder!" Sohma teased and I froze up. I pulled on Yoshitsune's sleeves. "I'm tired... I just wanna sleep..." I say still burning red and he picks me up. "Wah!?" I screech surprised as he carries me up the stairs. "Hey, Yoshitsune!?" Goyo calls out and he stops and looks down at them. "What? I can't carry my girlfriend?" He asked and walked off and I blush even redder.

So... We are dating... I thought and Yoshitsune brought me to the spare room. He put me down on the bed kissed my cheek. "If you need anything, I'm next door."
"Are you sure it's alright for me to stay here?"
"Absolutely! Not a problem!"
"If you say so..."

I slide into the covers and Yoshitsune turns off the lamp. I felt his big hand stroke my hair and his lips softly touch mine in the darkness. He slowly pulled away and I heard the door open and then close. His presence was no longer at my side.

I drifted off into a sleep.

I love him.

I love him so much.

My heart won't stop racing.

~ To Be Continued ~

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