Hyosuke: Chapter 9- Stay Like This

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*Ally's POV*

Hyosuke showed me a bright smile and started to laugh. "I missed you so much!" I giggle along with him. "Me too... I'm glad your back." We held each others hands and stared lovingly into each other's eyes. The door opened once again and the doctor came back in.

"How are you feeling, Ally?" He asked. "Still a little tired but better than before." I answered. "That's good."

Hyosuke made his way into the conversation. "Will Ally be able to leave today?" He asked and the doctor sat down in a chair. "Hm... Depends... She needs someone to look after her if--"
"I'll do it!" Hyosuke interrupted.
"You think you can be a man and be there for her?" The doctor asked and Hyosuke nodded seriously. "Then I don't see why not. I'll go get her papers and she will be ready to leave." With that remark, the doctor left the room.

"Isn't that great!? You get to leave!"
"What's better is I get to take care of you!"
"You seem too excited for this."
"Well, it's more time to be with you! Right!?"
"Hehehe! Yeah I guess so."

The doctor came back in and gave me the papers and then left after saying I was okay to leave. I got up from my bed and Hyosuke and I walked out of the hospital, heading home. After a while of walking my legs started to give out and I fell on the ground. I'm so tired... But I'm almost home! I should be fine for a little longer!

Hyosuke quickly knelt down beside me. "Are you okay!? Are you getting tired!? Want to take a break!? I can carry you!"
"No I'm okay. I can walk. It's only a little longer."

Hyosuke looked at me troubled and then spoke up again. "Will you at least let me help you up?"
"I'm fine. I can get up by myself." I said and tried to push myself off the ground but I kept fumbling around. I stopped and took a deep annoyed sigh. "Ally, please let me help you!"
"I don't want to trouble you with my problems."
"It isn't trouble!" Hyosuke said and then picked me up.

"Don't tell me your fine when you can't even stand! I'm happy to help you in any way I can!" He said and started walking. "Sorry... I just didn't want to be a bother to you..."
"You could never be a bother! I care a lot about you so I don't mind!"

A smile naturally came to my face and I wrap my arms around Hyosuke's neck as he continued towards my place.

As we walked I noticed Hyosuke was getting slower and slower. "Am I too heavy?" I asked. "Your super light!" He replied but he continued to slow down. "Is something wrong?" I asked and he slowly came to a stop. "Sorry." He said and I pull away from his neck at look at him confused.

"Sorry for what?"
"For slowing down."
"It's fine but why did you slow down?"
"I just want to stay like this longer..."
"You mean being together...?" I asked confused and he shook his head. "No, I mean this moment and how we are right now."
"Hehehe your cute."
"Wha!? D-don't call me cute!"

I giggled and he started walking again. "I don't mind staying like this. It's actually quite nice." I said and he smiled. "In any case, I need to get you home so you can rest."
"Thank you, Hyosuke."

When we got home, he placed me in bed and my eyes got heavy. "Are you tired?"
"Yeah... I suddenly got really exhausted..."
"It's okay to sleep. You don't have to worry."
"Will you stay here with me...?"
"Yes, I'll be right here and I'll wake you up tomorrow."
"Okay... I love... You..." I said starting to fall asleep. I felt something warm press against my head and Hyosuke replied "I love you too. Goodnight."

I slipped off into a deep sleep. I'm surrounded by black and nothingness. Seems like quite a while went by. I see a figure in front of me grow closer and closer. The figure was clear now.

"Hyosuke!" I call out and he smiled at me. "Ally! It's time to wake up!" He said and held out his hand. I grab his hand and my vision grows bright.

I slowly open my eyes and see Hyosuke staring over me. "Your awake! Good! Now take your pill!" He said and handed me a green pill and a glass of water. I took the pill and downed it with the water.

"How was your sleep? Did you dream of anything nice?"
"I didn't dream of anything. But you were there."
"Oh? I was?"
"Yeah. You were there to wake me up."

Hyosuke smiled. "I'm glad then. Let's get ready for school."

I smile and nodded. He left my room and I got changed.

I'm glad Hyosuke was here.

I don't want to trouble him...

But I more than anything--

I don't want him to worry.

~ To Be Continued ~

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