Kazemasa: Chapter 3- Jealousy

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*Ally's POV*

The room was set up with candles and lots of mystical shit. The lights were off and Sohma happily walked in as everyone else was dumbfounded. "Sohma... Is kinda scaring me..." I mutter and Enya nods. We all timidly enter the classroom and sit down around Sohma casually took a seat beside me and I blush a little, feeling his hand brush past mine. I shake my head back and forth and focus on Soma. "I will now tell you, a ghost story!" He says smiling evilly and I shrink down.

"What's wrong Ally?" Kazemasa asks. "H-huh? O-Oh nothing..." I reply.

I can't seem weak now! I have to act stronger than this! I say to myself and take a deep breath. Sohma starts the story. "Long long ago... A teacher let 10 students stay the night at the school."

Kazemasa sighs. "Great..." Sohma continued after showing a bigger smile. "The teacher heard a loud noise and went to go check on it. The students waited patiently for him to come back, but he never did." I try to show no fear as I interrupt with a question. "How do you know the teacher was a male?"

"I'm just assuming." He laughed and continued. "Five students go out and look for him. Not long after they heard their screams and the lights went out. They light candles but not long after, the door opened and the teacher came back asking where his students went. He pointed a knife at the kids that was already dripping with blood and asked again where his students went. No student survived that night and no one stayed overnight at that high school again. The end."

I suddenly felt uneasy when I realize the Mr. Mellow wasn't with us. "Guys... Uh... Where is Mr. Mellow...?" I ask and Enya laughs. "Aww are you scared...?" He asked giving me a teasing look. Everyone looks over at me including Kazemasa.

I tense up and frown. "N-no I'm not! There is nothing scary about that story!" I yell and Sohma turns on the lights. "Maybe we should go look for Mr. Mellow then." He suggested.

Hyuga, Enya, Hyosuke, Mizuki, and Goyo stand up. "We will go look for him." Mizuki says and I speak up. "I'll go too!"
"No ally, you stay here with the others. We will be back in no time, don't worry." Goyo says and they all head out.

Kazemasa, Benkei, Sohma, Yoshitsune, and I stay in the room in silence. Sohma starts playing around with some cards. "Hey Sohma?" I ask and approach him. "Yes?"
"Can I show you a magic trick?"

*Kazemasa's POV*

I watch Ally walk over to Sohma and quietly sigh to myself. She took hold of the cards and smiled at Sohma.

So... I guess she really does love him, huh? Really seems like she does. I guess they look like a good couple but I have to say that I'm jealous...

I want her to look at me the same way she looks at Sohma.

*Ally's POV*

I hold out the cards to Sohma. "Pick a card." I say and he picks one up and looks at it. "Don't tell me what it is. Now place back in the deck." I explain and he puts it back in a different location. I put the cards back into deck form and lay them down on the ground.

"Nothing up my sleeves, in my hands, in my pockets, or behind my back." I say showing him and smile. "Is your card behind your ear?" I ask and he feels around. "No." He says and I look back at Kazemasa. "Hey Kazemasa? Do you have Sohma's card?" I ask and he shook his head.

"But I can see it." I say and walk over, pulling the card out from behind his ear and showing him. I flip it around to face me. "Sohma is this your card?" I ask and he smiles and nods. "That's amazing! Queen of Hearts!"

That's when, I heard screams and the lights went out. "Huh!?" I ask and crouch down from surprise. The candles were still lit so we could still see. "Are you guys okay!?" Benkei asked and we all nodded.

"T-they must be messing with us, right...?" I ask and I heard a knock on the door. The candles go out and I hear the door open. I scream from reflex and someone grabbed me. A sweet scent filled my nose. "Kazemasa...?" I ask and he holds my head, burying it in his chest, keeping me safe.

"Where are my students!?" I hear Mr. Mellow voice and I grip onto Kazemasa's clothing shaking. Everyone screams and the lights came back on with the sound of laughter of a couple people.

I move my head and see Mr. Mellow, Mizuki, and Hyuga at the door and Sohma who had turned on the light. I felt rage course within me and I push away from Kazemasa. "You ALL planned this!?"

Mizuki opened his mouth to say something but I kept yelling. "What is wrong with you guys!? That wasn't funny at all! I can't believe you would do that!" I look around and then look at Kazemasa. After looking at him I ran out of the room angrily.

*Kazemasa's POV*

Ally ran out of the room after yelling at us. "We didn't all know." I say and Yoshitsune and Benkei both put their hands to their hearts. "I have to admit that really scared me." Yoshitsune sighed and Benkei nodded.

"Hey, where is Hyosuke, Enya, and Goyo?" I ask and they all look around. I hear Ally scream and I sprint out of the room.

*Ally's POV*

As I was storming down the hall I was passing another classroom when 3 sets of arms reached out and dragged me into the room. I scream and kick around but it was no use. I was so scared that tears streamed out of my eyes. I was pushed against the wall and I hesitantly open my eyes.

Hyosuke, Goyo, and Enya stood there. Before I could yell at them Kazemasa came into the room.

"Ally!" He yelled and the guys backed off of me. Feeling weak in my knees, I fell down to the ground and took long deep breaths. Kazemasa rushed over to me and helped me up. "Enya, Hyosuke, Goyo. Everyone is waiting for you back at the classroom." He says and they all hurry back.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I slowly nodded. "Let's sit down, I need to talk to you." He says and we sit against the wall.

He explained about how he didn't know about the prank and how he didn't hear about what was going on.

I slowly felt worse and worse about myself.

I was too quick to judge...

~ To Be Continued ~

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