Chapter 35- False Feelings

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*Ally's POV*

I was walking back to the guys's house hesitantly. I can't just ignore what just happened. I can't just ignore what they said. And I can't just ignore how I feel.

Maybe it was a joke...? No. That didn't feel like a joke... I continued to think and I look up to see my house was built up again. I saw my uncle in the yard and ran over to him. "Is it finished?" I asked and he turned around.

"No hello to your favourite uncle?" He laughed. "Hello uncle, is it finished?" I repeated.

"Yep. It's all set for you to come back."
"Why don't you go look around and I'll go grab your things."
"That would be great! Thanks uncle!" I said and walked inside.

I looked around and gasped. "This place is huge!" I said to myself and walked around for a bit.

"Didnt I already pass by here?" I mumbled to myself as I wondered around confused.

I'm lost!

I look around. Alright... I went right the past couple times and ended up going in a circle so I'll go left this time. I think to myself and end up in the same area again. Um... Maybe I went left? Let's try right this time...

As I walked down the hallway my phone started to ring. "Hello?"
"Where did you go?"
"Oh, hi uncle. Um... I'm lost..."
"I'll come find you. Also your friends are here."
"O-oh! A-ah... I don't feel like seeing anyone right now!"
"What's the matter?"
"Just... Things... I have to think things over for a while."
"I understand. I'll come find you in a minute. Try and find your way out for now."
"Right. Bye uncle."

I said and hung up. I felt my cheek heat up as I remember what happened at the dance.

I need to focus on getting out of this maze we call a house. I continued to walk around.

Once when I found my uncle I carried my bags to my new room just above the stairs.

"I'm heading home now, Ally." My uncle said opening the door. "Okay. Thank you so much uncle!"
"Don't get lost."
"Heh... I won't. Bye." I said and he left. I sighed and looked around. "I need to clear my head..." I mumbled and walked outside. The sun was going down as I walked into the forest.

I went to the place where Enya, Goyo, and Hyuga all brought me for a picnic. I looked down at the city lights and sat down with a huff. I heard footsteps behind me and I quickly look back to see Jasper in human form.

"Jasper!? Your back to your human form!?"
"Yeah but I can control it now, so don't worry."
"Ah, alright then. Come sit." I say and pat beside me. He say down with a small distance between us.

"I heard about what happened at the dance."
"O-oh... D-did you...?"
"Yeah... Are you going to pick someone or just refuse them all?" He asked and I stayed quiet for a second.

"I... Think I know who I love."
"Then what's holding you back?"
"I've never been in love. What if what I'm feeling is just false feelings?"
"Believe me, Ally. You would know if it was false."
"... Do you think they have false feelings?"
"Absolutely not! I know that for a fact! They all love you with their whole hearts."

I smiled slightly and lay down on the grass and looked up at the stars in the dark sky.

"Thank you..." I say and Jasper smiled laying down beside me.

Time went by and Jasper stood back up. "I should head back. They will wonder where I am."
"Alright. Thanks for talking with me."
"Anytime. Let him know how you feel when your ready. There is no rush. I'm sure they will wait."
"Right. Bye, Jasper."

With those parting words, Jasper disappeared into the forest.

I sighed and looked down at the city lights again.

I want to tell him.

I want him to know that...

I love him.

~ To Be Continued ~

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