Kazemasa: Chapter 8- The Lies

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*Ally's POV*

I cry in his arms for a while before pulling away. "Sorry..." I apologize. "Are you okay now?" Sohma asked and I nod. "Please don't tell Kazemasa that I was crying or anything I said..." He nods and I stand up.

"Sorry, I should probably go before Kazemasa comes back..." I say and head for the door and Sohma follows. "Your not staying for pizza? Kazemasa said he needs to tell everyone else later tonight." Sohma says and I shake my head. "I don't... Want to here for that..."
"Alright. Do you mind if I come over later?"
"I don't mind but don't bring Kazemasa. I don't really feel like talking to him again today. I just need to think about some things."

I put my shoes on and leave the house. Unfortunately, I ran into Kazemasa. "Where are you going?" He asked from the sidewalk and walks over with some pizza. "Home."
"Hey, were you... Crying? Your eyes are red."
"Huh? N-no... It was... Onions..."
"Onions...? But we were having pizza."
"I just... ate an whole onion..."
"But your breath doesn't stink."
"I brushed my teeth..."
"Are you lying?"

Ugh I can't believe I just lied!

"Okay... Well... See you later then."

I was cut off by a kiss and I started to shake. This isn't what I wanted! I need to hold back so I don't cry in front of him!

I pull away and leave quickly. As soon as I stepped foot in my house I bursts into tears and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

*Kazemasa's POV*

I wait and watch her walk away and into her house. I knit my brows and walk inside. "Sohma." I say and Sohma walks over. "Your back?" He asked and I nod.

"Why was ally crying?"
"But we are eating pizza."
"Not her. She just downed the whole onion!"
"Her breath didn't stick."
"There is such a thing as brushing your teeth you know."
"Didn't taste like minty toothpaste."
"that's because-- ... TASTE!?"
"What's so strange about kissing my girlfriend?"
"What do you mean? Normal people just stick their tongues down other people's throats just to see if they brushed their teeth! Like, obviously!" He said with sass.

"Calm down, that's not why I kissed her. And I didn't shove my tongue down her throat... Necessarily,.."
"Oh brother... Kay, well... Everyone will be home soon. You can tell them what happened in less than an hour. Don't be a chicken shit."
"Your sounding a lot like Hyuga today."

*Ally's POV*

about an hour goes by and I hear a knock at my door. I realized I had zoned out while crying. "It's open..." I say with a shaky voice and it opens. Sohma walks in alone and closes the door. "What are you doing on the floor...?" He asked and sits down with me.

"I don't know..."
"Do... You think that... Kazemasa and I are even worth the effort right now...? Maybe we should just break up... I don't like long distance relationships..."

Sohma's eyes go wide as he mutters my words.

"Break up with him...?"

~ To Be Continued ~

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