Chapter 7- Hang Out?

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*Ally's POV*

Everyone lead me outside as we were going somewhere. "Umm... Where are we going?"
"Your coming home with us." Kazemasa said. "Eh? But why? I have my own house you know!"
"We are going to hang out. deal with it." Hyuga glared back at me and I shrugged.

"Fine, but I'm leaving at 5:20 so I can go home." I declared and Enya came up to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "That means I can go too, right?" He asked smiling.

"How about no."
"Yes? Great!"
"I said no! Get lost!"
"Oh lighten up, Ally!"
"I'm so not in the mood for this..."

I sighed and they took me to their house. I looked over to their neighbours house and widened my eyes in surprise. "Your my neighbour!?" I yelled in a panic. They all looked back at me.

"No way! Really!? Sweet!" Hyosuke said happily. "This is not 'sweet'! Oh my life is being slowly killed..." I said as they pulled my into their house. "Make yourself at home Ally." Yoshitsune said as we all took off our shoes.

I looked around and gasped.

This place is huge...! It's so much bigger inside than it looks outside! I heard laughter as I looked around in a daze and I brought it back to the guys.

They were all staring at me laughing. "W-what? Stop staring at me...!" I said in a fluster as my cheeks turned red. "Your adoreable! Yoshitsune, can I keep her!?" Goyo asked excited. Everyone rolled their eyes at Goyo and laughed.

We sat down in the living room and everyone stared at me. "What now...? Why do you keep looking at me?" I asked and Hyuga grimaced. "I'm curious... You seem to know something but your hiding it from us."

How does he know!? He's good... Are they actually real life ninjas? Are they hiding the fact they are? Are they not aware of being in destiny ninja? Are they actually even from destiny ninja? What kind of question was that? Their personalities are the same and so is their names.

Kazemasa snapped by my face. "Hello? Are you even in there?"
"It's nothing more than a hollow shell." Hyuga said making fun. "Sorry... Um... I am but... I'm more confused than anything..."
"About?" Sohma asked.

"Umm... So there's this game..."
"Oh no... She's a geek! Run!" Hyosuke laughed. "No, I mean... I don't know...! Your in the game!"

Everything went quiet and then they laughed. "What's so funny!? I'm not kidding!"
"Why would we be in a game, silly?" Sohma asked and they continued laughing. "Priceless! Hahaha!" Enya said holding his stomach.

I looked down and got up. "Where are you going?" Benkei asked and I said "someplace else. I'm done here."
"Hey, hey, why are you leaving? Come back and talk to us."
"If your going to laugh at a girl who never lies, she will probably leave."
"You don't lie?"
"Of course not!"

Everyone went silent and Kazemasa asked "so... That thing you told us...?"
"It's true. You are in a game."
"That's impossible! How!?"
"I don't know but you are. Your from an otome game called Destiny Ninja."
"Are we ninjas on there?" Yoshitsune asked and I nodded.

"No way! So they know!? It's suppose to be a secret!" Hyosuke yelled clearly upset. Hyuga walked up to me and grabbed my collar on my shirt.

"You will not tell anyone that we are ninjas!"
"And who do you suppose I would tell if everyone in the school despises me? I wouldn't tell anyways. I tend to keep most things to myself."
"They just don't see what a neat person you are, Ally!"

Hyosuke said and I heard a lot of noise coming from the back. "What was that?" I asked and they panicked. "They sound too energetic... This can't be good." Kazemasa said and my curiosity grew.

"Uh oh! Look out!" Enya yelled at me and as I look behind me a giant tiger pounces at me. "Eek!" I fall backwards and everyone rushes over to get him off me. I start laughing and they all stop. "This is Pablo right? He's just showing some love. Good boy!" I say and scratch the side of his face.

Pablo purrs and flops over. "Your quite the pet lover, aren't you?" Mizuki asked as they all stared at me amazed. "I've never had a pet before but I still love them!" I say and sit up. Everyone smiled and relaxed as I continued to pet Pablo.

"Where are the others?" I asked. As soon as I did I heard scattering behind me as dogs, birds, and frogs all launched at me. "Too many!" I yelled and the dogs and frogs all jumped on me while the birds landed on my arms. Pablo grew jealous and snuggled up to my cheek.

The guys laughed and most of them fell over laughing. "I-it's not funny!" I yelled at them. Mizuki said back "they look like they really like you... Heheh..." Even he was chuckling.

"You look ridiculous! Hahaha!" Hyuga laughed on the floor. "You guys are sooo mean! By the way... What about max and buddy? Where are they?"
"In the back. Want to see them?" Yoshitsune said covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "Can I!?" I asked excited and we went to the backyard.

Yoshitsune showed me to the horses in the back and they ran up to me, nuzzling by cheeks.

I giggled and everyone watched.

"Why don't you smile like that when WE talk to you!?" Hyosuke said and we all laughed.

Is this the start of a friendship?

~ to be continued ~

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