Sohma: Chapter 5- Peeping Tom

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*Sohma's POV*

We set up our towels and beach umbrellas on the sand. "Look! They got little booths for snacks and drinks!" Hyosuke pointed out and Hyuga crossed his arms. "You have to admit, they did a pretty good job with setting everything up at this beach." He said and we nodded.

I look back at our cabin and sigh. "Why so glum bum?" Hyosuke asked. "Isn't it 'chum'?" I asked.

"Is it?"
"I'm pretty sure. I mean I guess it could be either way."
"Hm... I'll stick with bum." Hyosuke said looking quite pleased with himself and everyone laughed at him.

"But what's the matter, Sohma?" Yoshitsune asked and took a seat beside me. "It's Ally." I reply.

"What's Ally?" Enya asked.
"I saw her through the window and--" I got cut off by Enya. "Oooh, your a little pervert Sohma! What do they call it... Oh! A peeping tom!"
"I'm not, but she was on the phone. She looked pretty upset."
"Didn't she sound upset when you left too?"

I nodded. "I'm sure she will tell you it you asked her what was wrong. Your dating right?" Kazemasa said. "Right."
"Then you have nothing to worry about."

Just then, Ally walked over wearing a t-shirt and shorts. "Where is your bathing suit?" I asked.

She blushed and looked away. "U-underneath..." She said pulling at her shirt. "By the way, who were you calling earlier?" I asked.

"Is something the matter?"
"It's... My swimsuit..."
"I didn't pack this swimsuit..."
"Then who did?"
"Sakura did. I don't know how or when, but... I know it's hers."
"Then... What did you pack before?"
"Not a bikini! That's for sure!"

I smiled and said "Well, I don't think it's that big of a deal. You hungry?"
"A little."
"I'll go get you something." I say and walk over to the nearest booth.

*Ally's POV*

I sigh as Sohma walked away to get some food. "Ally, are you nervous to show that much skin in front of Sohma?" Goyo asked as I was about to take off my T-shirt.

"A little... But he isn't the type of guy to take advantage of me." I say and take off my shirt and shorts. "But he's a peeping tom." Enya said and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Huh!?" I asked surprised.

"Poor innocent Ally..." Goyo sighed smiling. "Wait! He didn't look through the window did he!?" I asked and they both smiled devilishly. My face was burning a deep red.

Enya and Goyo both stepped out in front of me and put their hands on their chins.

"You look pretty hot in that swimsuit." Enya said and Goyo added on to it. "But I'm sure Sohma liked it better with it off."

Hyuga walked over with Benkei and they both smacked their heads. "That's enough." They both say and I hang my head.

Sohma comes back over with fries and some soda. "Here you go Ally." He said and I couldn't help but feel self conscious. "T-t-thanks..." I said casting my eyes down embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Sohma asked and Hyuga spoke up. "These two idiots said you looked through the window while she was changing... And called you a peeping tom." He pointed at Enya and Goyo. "Jeez... You two are nothing but trouble... I told you all I saw was her on the phone. Nothing else." He explained then smiled at me.

I smiled back feeling less nervous. We all sat down for a bit as we finished our food and Hyosuke stood up. "No use sitting here just looking at the water! Last one in is a rotten egg!" He yelled running towards the water. "He's right. Race you there!" Goyo also left and everyone else stood up and started running.

"Mista steal yo girl!" Enya yelled picking me up and ran ahead of Sohma. "Your so dead!" Sohma laughed chasing him as Enya caught up to Goyo.

"Catch!" He yelled and threw me over to Goyo. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a rag doll!?" I yelled and everyone ran into the water.

"Hyosuke, here! Keep away from Sohma!" Goyo said and tossed me to Hyosuke. Sohma ran up to Hyosuke and he tried to toss me to Enya again. As I was in air, Benkei caught me and put me down. "She isn't a football. Show some respect." He said and Hyosuke yelled "interference! You took away our fun!"

"Fun police!" Enya yelled and Benkei stuttered. "I-I'm not the--" Enya, Goyo, And Hyosuke all chanted throwing their fist in the air. "Fun police! Fun police! Fun police! Fun police! Fun police!"

I looked around trying to find Sohma but I couldn't find him. "Sohma, where did you go...?" I mumble and the guys all look around for him too. All of a sudden something slide between my legs and pushed me out of the water.

"Sohma!?" I yelled flustered as I sat on his shoulders. I heard him start to laugh and I started to pouted.

"Why so glum bum?" Hyosuke asked. "Wha!? I'm not a bum!"

I said. "Don't take it seriously... I guess you could call it an inside joke." Sohma explained. And everyone laughed.

What did I miss earlier?

~ To Be Continued ~

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