Hyosuke: Chapter 10- I Love You (Final Chapter)

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*Ally's POV*

- 1 week later -

"Ally wake up." Someone whispered in my ear. "Mmm... If your trying to wake me up... Why do you whisper...?" I mutter and turn and put my face in my pillow.

"Good! You woke up with only a whisper! Guess you're back to normal!" Hyosuke said happily. "Yeah... I feel a lot better than before." I said sitting up with my eyes still adjusting to the light. "Well we have an hour to get ready to get ready for school. Will you be fine without me here today?"
"Yeah. Don't worry about me."
"Alright! Be back soon! I love you!"
"I love you too. Now get out."
"So cold... Byeee!" Hyosuke said and left. I sighed with a smile and got up.

"What should I wear today...? Skirt...? Nah, jeans." I said to myself and pick out some clothes and put them on before heading to the bathroom. I put my hair into a ponytail and carried on with getting ready.

Soon Hyosuke rushed into the house and almost ran right past me. "Woah, your actually up!? I thought you would have still been in bed!"
"It might be because of the pills that once I wake up... I'm actually awake."
"Speaking of which, did you take your pill today?"
"I was just about to."
"Atta girl!"
"Why do you talk to me like I'm a child...?"

Hyosuke suddenly turned straight faced that made me tense up. He walked up to me and grabbed my wrist. "Would you rather if I was serious all the time?" He asked with a voice very unlike him. "Uh... No your actually kind of scaring me." His face changed again.

This time it was a smirk and he pushed me against the wall and he pulled back his hair. "How about a womanizer?" He asked moving his brow up and down. I laughed "no I prefer the hyper Hyosuke."
"Aw I still had more impressions..."
"Are you impersonating the guys?"

Hyosuke gasped. "How did you know?"
"Just a hunch. You can give me more impersonations on the way to school if you want."
"Hurray! Let's go!"
"Wait I didn't take my pill yet!"

We finished up in my place and started walking to school when suddenly Hyosuke became silent and straight faced after we walked past the guys's house. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Why did you suddenly become quiet?"
"... You don't like the quiet type?"
"Your doing your impersonations again!?"
"You told me I could!"
"You didn't even give me a warning...!"

Hyosuke continued on with his impersonations until we got to school.

- Lunch -

I sit down at the table with the guys. "Hm? Where is Hyosuke?" I asked and Sohma spoke up. "You didn't hear him? Pretty sure the whole school did when he yelled 'I gotta pee'."
"Ah... Same old Hyosuke." I smiled and started eating. "What do you even see in him?" Hyuga asked and I set down my fork. "He's a nice caring person. He lifts my spirits by making me laugh. I enjoy having him around. Though sometimes he's a bit of a mystery but that is another thing I like about him. I can't read him like most of you."

Yoshitsune smiled. "You could go on forever couldn't you?"
"Heheh... Sorry about that..."

Enya smiled and slid over closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "What do you see in me?" I flick his forehead. "Can't you see, I'm not interested?" Enya pouts but doesn't move his arm. I was about to yell at him when Hyosuke ran over. "Hey hey! Personal space bud! Get off my girlfriend!"
"Man your loud..." Enya grumbled and moved away from me. Hyosuke say between us and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Hyosuke seems bothered by something... But he shows a smile like nothing is wrong. He really is mysterious... Why can't I read him?

- after school -

Hyosuke grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the school grounds. "Hyosuke? Where are we going? Home is that way."
"We are taking a detour today!"
"O-okay but do you think you should slow down a bit?"
"We don't have time to be slow! Want me to carry you again!? Maybe that would be better!"
"No that's fine."

I let Hyosuke drag me around. Soon we were in a forest. A small river flowed towards the direction where we were heading and everything dyed orange from the sun setting. "Hyosuke...? It's going to be dark soon... Can we head home now...?" I asked and Hyosuke stopped and turned around to face me. His face without any expression.

"Are you doing another impersonation?" I asked with hope but he shook his head. "What's wrong?" I asked and he let go of my hand. "Am I right for you?"
"... Huh?"
"I would consider changing for you ally."
"Wait wait! What do you mean!?"

Hyosuke's fists clenched tightly together and his face gave off a pained look. "Back up. What do you mean am I right for you? Your my boyfriend aren't you? Why would you think that?" I asked and Hyosuke stayed quiet. "I don't want you to change for me Hyosuke. I love you how you are!"

Hyosuke pulled me into his chest and his warmth surrounded my body while his scent filled my nose. I slowly wrap my arms around his back. "What made you think this way...?" I asked and he let out a breath.

"When I saw you and the guys at the table, you looked like you really enjoyed talking to them. I don't know what you were talking about but you looked so happy."
"Huh? That's what this is about!? I was talking about you!"
"Jeez! You could have just asked what we were talking about..."

I tried to pull away from Hyosuke but he just held me tighter. "Hyosuke?"
"I'm sorry ally..."
"You don't have to apologize..."
"I love you so much... I don't want to lose you."
"I love you too... And more than you think... I'll always be here."

We went back home hand in hand and had smiles on our faces.

Our hearts were as if they were connected as one.

We loved each other deeply.

A love lasting for eternity.

~ Happy Ending ~

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