Yoshitsune: Chapter 3- Sweet Dreams

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*Ally's POV*

"Ah!" I woke up screaming and sat up.

A nightmare...? What was it...? Wait, how could I have forgotten already? I just woke up? That doesn't make sense... I thought to myself and gripped my chest where my heart was beating fast.

Wait... Where am I? I look around and sigh. That's right... I'm at Yoshitsune's...

The door swung open and someone ran into the room. "Ally? Are you okay?" They ask. It was Yoshitsune. "Sorry... Did I wake you?" I asked and he stood beside me looking down worried.

"I heard you scream..."
"Just a nightmare."
"If it's 'just a nightmare' why are you shaking?"
"Huh...? Oh... I get them all the time, it's no big deal."
"Ally, your not alone anymore. You have me. I'm here for you."

I made my hand into a fist and shook even harder. I slid out of bed and wrapped my arms around Yoshitsune's body. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed a little bit.

He's so strong... It's relaxing like this... It's like he takes away all my bad thoughts. It's like magic.

I stop shaking and pull away from him. "Thanks. I feel a lot better." I say and sit back down on the bed. "That's good. Are you okay to sleep now?" He asked and I nodded.

Yoshitsune kissed me on the forehead and headed towards the door. "Yoshitsune...!" I called out to him and he looked back. "Uh... Can you... Can you stay with me until I fall asleep...?" I ask and crawl under the blankets. Yoshitsune smiles and walked back to me.

"Of course." He said and laid down beside me. My heartbeat was going a mile a minute. I can't sleep like this...! I think to myself and I move towards Yoshitsune a little more and cling to his shirt. He wraps his arms around me and sooth me.

Again... It's just like magic... Calms me right down... I think and drift off into sleep. It's nothing but sweet dreams.

I wake up to find Yoshitsune still at my side. He hasn't moved a muscle since he wrapped his arms around me. He was completely still but still breathing softly. As if drawn in to him, I kiss him on the cheek lightly. I move my face away and Yoshitsune's eyes had opened.

"Eek!" I screech and cover my mouth in a hurry. "You scared me...!" I complain and he laughs. "Aren't you the one who just kissed me?" He asked and I pout.

"Oh whatever...!"

We laugh and stay cuddled up in bed for a little while longer.

Boyfriend huh...?

Has a good ring to it...

~ To Be Continued ~

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