Chapter 18- Rumour Has It

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*Ally's POV*

A couple days went by and the guys end up crashing at my place... More than they should.

They totally make themselves at home. It doesn't really bother me because I've gotten use to it... But still.

"Wake up! Wake up! We got to goooo!" Hyosuke yelled and I felt people jumping on my bed. "No... Five more years..." They laughed and pulled the blankets off me and continued to jump.

"Okay okay... I'm up...!" I say as I crawl off my bed and onto the floor. "That's a terrible way to get up, considering your still on the ground." Kazemasa says and I look up at them. "My alarm clock is giving me sass now? Where's the off button?"

They laugh and I get up. "I'm kidding. Let's get ready then."

Before I know it, we are already out the door. "When are you guys going to sleep at your own house?" I asked and goyo laughed "not anytime soon. We will be sticking around."
"Of course you are..." I mumbled.

We walked into class and I can't believe what I heard.

"Your kidding!"
"Nope, everyday they go in the same house but never leave until morning with her."
"She must have lots of fun with those new boys."
"More than enough! You can hear them when you walk by the house."

The girls were talking in a big circle and started laughing. And I knew exactly who they were talking about.

"Stupid rumours..." I mumbled and leave class. "Ally! Wait!" I heard the guys call out to me. I stop and look behind me. "What?" I asked. "What's the matter?" Sohma asked and I turned my body around to face them.

"I thought they would actually try to be my friends. I believed that maybe I could actually be happy with my life for once. Isn't that funny?" I ask with a smile and a tear goes down my face.

I turn around and walked fast down the hall. Leaving them dumbfounded.

*No One's POV*

As they watched her walk away they all glared and walked back into the class. "Who started that rumour!?" Benkei asked with a stern voice. The whole room went silent and a girl in the back stood up.

"I heard it from one of the older graders. His name is Jackson. He should be in room 164 if your looking for him." She said. Everyone rushed out the door. They knew exactly where that was.

Hyuga stopped in front of the door and looked over at the guys. "I'll handle this. Go find Ally." They nodded and ran off to find Ally.

Hyuga open the door and walked in. "I need to speak with Jackson." He said and a boy stood up and walked to the door. "What is it?" He said as if he doesn't care. Hyuga grunted "outside. Now."

*Ally's POV*

I just need some space... That's why I left like that. I'm glad they didn't follow me.

I was walking down the east side of the building when I saw Hyuga walking madly down the hall.

"Hyuga? What's the matter!?" I asked then noticed he had a bleeding nose and the side of his eye was going black. "Hyuga! Hey! What happened to you!? Hyuga!" I yelled at him as he completely ignores me and walks past me. I yell at his back "what's with you!? I thought we were friends!"

He stopped to look back at me. I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I changed direction and ran to the south hall of the school.

"Ally!" In front of me was the rest of the guys. "I don't want to talk to you or anyone right now." I said and walked past them. "Hyuga told us to come find you!" Hyosuke said and I turned around and asked. "Then why did he completely ignore me while he stomped down the hall!?"

"He did? I mean he looked pretty mad when we left but... Why would he ignore you?" Mizuki asked and I shrugged. "His decision. And here's mine. I'm going home and you guys will not follow me."

I said and left.

~ To Be Continued ~

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