Yoshitsune: Chapter 9- The Incident

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*Ally's POV*

Yoshitsune and I both get up and got ready. "What are we going to do first?" I ask "I was thinking presents first." He suggested and I nod, taking out a poorly wrapped box.

I should have gotten this done professionally... This looks awful... I thought to myself and hid the present behind my back, blushing. Yoshitsune took out a small box with a beautiful wrapping job and a red bow.

We both sit down and I timidly give him the box. He smiled. "Was this your first time wrapping a Christmas present?"
"I'm so lucky!"

I look at him surprised as he unwrapped he box with care. My heart beats fast as I watch him. He takes out a white scarf I knitted for him. "Did you make this?" He asked and I nodded. He wraps it around his neck and smiled. "Thank you, Ally."

I blush and he hands me the small box. I slowly unwrapped it and open the box. There was a beautiful necklace. It had small white gems along the metal rims. It was shaped as a key and had a blue gem dangling in the centre of the necklace. I carefully pick up the necklace and smile.

"It's so pretty! Thank you!" I say and we exchange a kiss. He slowly pulls away and brushes my hair behind my ear. "Let's go to the ski hills." He said and I smile and nod.

We walk out and he rents us some skis. "Um...Yoshitsune... Since I don't go for trips and stuff..." I mutter looking at my skis confused. He laughs and walks over to me and helps me put on my skis. "I'll teach you how to ski, but first... It looks like something is going on up there so let's go check it out." Yoshitsune says and pulls me along with him up a big hill.

When we reach the top, Yoshitsune and I went over to a big crowd that's been formed. While Yoshitsune checked what was going on, I looked forwards at the sky to see an awful storm coming in fast. I can't even see beyond the hotel.

A snowflake came into my vision and I caught it in my hand. It quickly melted in my palm and I look up. Many more snowflakes were falling down around us. All of a sudden I felt myself move.

I look back down and realized I was slowly sliding down the hill. I look back to call out for Yoshitsune but I couldn't see him. I slid down the hill with no control.

I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!

I repeat over and over again in my brain. A rock came into my vision. I tried to ski around it but I didn't know how. I tripped over the rock and my ski came off my footing.

I fell down and slid off the track and I felt my leg get stuck. I look at my leg to see it caught under the tree's root. I try to pull my leg out but it was no use. It hurt more than anything. It felt like I was ripping my leg off. I stop struggling and snowflakes began to fall faster and harder as the wind picked up.

I try to pull myself out of the tree's root's grasp but all I could feel was the unbearable pain coursing through my leg.

"Y-Yoshitsune!!" I call out for Yoshitsune a couple times as I struggle to get free. I try to turn my foot but a pain shot through my ankle too. I must have twisted my ankle when tripped over the rock.

I began to cry as snowflakes slowly fell from the sky and scattered across the ground.

"Ally!!!" I heard someone call out to me. I wipe away my tears and yell back. "H-here!!!"

Not a moment later, Yoshitsune came into view. He skied towards me and stopped in front of me. "Let's get you out of here!" He said and gentle grabbed my ankle but-- "Ow!" I screamed in pain and he quickly let go. "Does your ankle hurt?" He asked and I nodded.

Yoshitsune thought for a moment then started digging under my leg. What's he doing? I asked myself and realized my leg was getting loose from under the tree root.

I slide my leg out from the root and placed my hand on my ankle. "Let's head back to the hotel room." Yoshitsune said and picked me up. I didn't think that now would be a good time to struggle considering I couldn't walk myself.

Yoshitsune slowly skied down the path while trying to comfort me. The vast coldness of the winter blizzard brushed past my face as Yoshitsune held me tightly in his arms. We reached the hotel room and he laid me down on the bed.

"I'm sorry, ally..."
"What are you sorry about? You didn't do this. There was no way you could have prevented it. Besides, it's only a sprained ankle."
"I should have never left your side. I shouldn't have even brought you up there."
"I'll never let you out of my sight again... Now, I'll be right back. I have to go get some bandages from the lobby."

Didn't he just say that he'll never let me out of my sight again...? I guess speaking theoretically.

He left as I thought that to myself. I sighed and reach for my necklace that Yoshitsune bought me but--

"Huh!? Where is it!? I was sure I put it on!" I yelled to myself looking around for it in the hotel room. I look out the window at the hill I had just come down. I could barely see through the blizzard.

It's got to be out there... It must have slipped off my neck at some point... I got up and limped towards the door, throwing on my boots.

I walked out to the halls then remembered Yoshitsune was in the lobby.

If he sees me, he will bring me back to the room for sure. I can't look for the necklace later because it'll get lost in the snow.

I take the elevator down thinking that Yoshitsune would take the stairs up. As the door was closing, I saw Yoshitsune walking past. The only thing was that he saw me too.

"Ally!?" He yelled and the door closed.

"Sorry, Yoshitsune..."

~ To Be Continued ~

[DISCONTINUED] Class Ninja (Shall We Date?: Destiny Ninja)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora