Enya: Chapter 1-Crash Landing

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*Ally's POV*

I sighed and stood up. "I guess I should head home... I'm going to have a long day tomorrow..." I mutter to myself and walked home. I put my hand on the door but the knob turned and started to open without me even doing anything.

Is it a burglar!? What do I do!? I reach for my phone when the door fully opened but whoever was inside smashed into me and we started to fall down the stairs. One of their arms wrapped around my body while the other one protected my head. I was buried into their chest. We landed harshly on the cement, though it could have been a lot worse. The man laid overtop of me and I couldn't see a thing.

He slowly pushed himself up. It was Enya. "Are you okay?" He asked with a worried expression. "I-I'm fine... How about you?"
"No, I'm fine too. That was quite the fall so I'm glad you didn't get injured."
"Yeah it could have been ugly."

Enya stood up and then helped me stand. "What were you doing in my house anyway?" I asked. "I knocked and you didn't answer so I just walked in like usual."
"I couldn't find you so I was going to go look for you."
"Did you need me for something?"
"Then why bother!?"
"Because I care about you and when you go missing, it concerns me!"

My heart skipped a beat at his words and I look down. "Whatever... You could have texted or called me..."
"Well I guess there's that too. Anyways, I'll let you get your beauty sleep. Goodnight."
"Bye. Thanks for trying to kill me."
"Hey! I tried to protect you from the fall! I didn't want to hurt you!"
"It wouldn't have happened in the first place, if you didn't run out the door like a maniac."
"I already told you I was concerned so that's why--"

I noticed Enya's arm was a very dark red so I interrupted him.

"Hm? What?" He asked. "Your arm." I said and stuck out my hand. He cooperatively stuck out his arm towards me. There was a big scrape up his arm and it had started to bleed. "Enya! You told me you weren't hurt! Don't lie about stuff like that!"
"It's not that big a deal. I can handle it."
"If you leave it, it'll get infected! Come with me!" I said and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the door that was still open. He followed me in and I sat him on the couch.

"Why do you care if I'm hurt?"
"What kind of question is that? Your my friend so why wouldn't I be concerned!?" I said an pulled out the first aid kit then let out a deep breath. "Give me your arm." I said and he stuck his arm out to me again. I start to clean it up when Enya's phone started to ring. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hey. What's up?" He asked and I started to bandage him up. "Stop crying just tell me where you are." I stop and look up at Enya. Who's he talking to? A girl? "But I'm busy... Can this wait-- Okay okay, calm down! I'll come get you. See you in five." He said then hung up. "Are we finished here?" Enya asked and I nodded.

"Who was that?"
"Who? Oh, that was Hyosuke."
"Yeah he... Can't get his pants on and he's in a public restroom alone so... I should probably help him."
"Have fun with that."
"I won't. See you later."
"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow."

Enya got up and left. I sighed and put a hand on my chest. "Was I jealous a moment ago...?" I muttered to myself and put a hand on my head. Whatever... I'm going to bed. I thought to myself and headed upstairs then went to sleep.

*Enya's POV*

With some spare pants I angrily storm into a restaurant's restroom. "Hyosuke?" I call out in the bathroom and he waves his hand out from under the stall. I walk over, grab his hand and pulled hard. I heard a smack on the door. "Owwww! What was that for!?"
"I'm pissed at you!"
"Whaaat!? Why!?" He complained and I sighed.

"I was alone with Ally! You just HAD to call me, didn't you!? Why didn't you call someone else...?"
"Well now I'm glad I called you!"
"Watch it! I'll leave you here!"
"No no! Just help me already!"
"Stop whining... Here." I said and handed him the spare pants. "Thanks bud!"
"You owe me."

*Ally's POV*

I wearily open my eyes and look at the clock. "It's 7:00am... Gotta get up..." I mumbled and slowly crawled out of bed and onto the floor but didn't move any farther. "Ah... But the floor is nice too..." I started to drift off into sleep and my door opened.

"Thought so." A voice said and I look up to see Enya and Yoshitsune standing at the door then I crawled back into bed. "So close." Yoshitsune said. "But not close enough. Help me pull her out of bed." Enya added and I felt him grab my ankles and pull. I quickly grab onto my bed frame and Yoshitsune speaks up.

"No need to remove her by force. Why don't you say something that would get her out of bed."
"But please keep it pg."
"Fun wrecker..."
"Something to scare her or something."

I speak up. "I'm right here. I can hear you." Enya nodded as if he thought of something. "Don't make me come over there and lick your ear."
"Ew, why would you lick my ear?"
"Why wouldn't I? You have cute ears."
"Nice try, that's not getting me out of bed." I said with a huff and put my face down in the pillow.

I felt someone get on the bed as if someone was towering overtop of me. I look back to see Enya, leaning over me with his tongue out. He went down to lick me and I spoke up in a fluster.

"Okay! I'll get up! Don't lick me!"

They both laughed as I got up.

~ To Be Continued ~

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