Chapter 31- Are You Happy?

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*Ally's POV*

I explained to them how they were making fun of them but they started to laugh. "Why are you laughing!? It's not funny!" I yell and start to cry again.

"I don't care what others think about me." Mizuki said and everyone nodded. "You may not care but I do!" I say frustrated.

"I don't want you to get hurt... Your the only ones who really matter to me now... I knew that the best thing to do was leave." I say and Kazemasa asked "without telling us? That seems pretty cold."
"I knew you would try and stop me! That's why I didn't tell you!"
"You mean everything to us! Of course we would try and stop you!" He said back and everyone turned red.

I opened my mouth to say something but my uncle comes over so I close my mouth and look at him. "Shall we go eat? Lunch will be cold soon." He said and I nodded. I look down at my dress and sigh. "Is there... Something else I can wear? It feels weird wearing this..." I say pulling at my skirt.

"Aw! But your cute!" Goyo sighs and I look back at him pouting turning red. "Shut up..." I mumbled and we walked inside.

We all sat down at the table and the servants all brought us our meals. While we were eating I couldn't help but think...

It was a waste of time for them to come here... They say they don't care but I can't let this keep going on.

I felt the tears coming to my eyes and I set down my silverware. "What's the matter Ally? Do you not like your food?" My uncle asked and I replied with a shaky voice. "I'm sorry... I'm just not hungry... Excuse me..." I stood up and walked fast out of the dining room.

Why am I so weak...!? I think to myself and hurry towards my room. I reach for my doorknob and slightly opened the door before a hand roughly shut it. I look over to see Hyuga giving me a look I've never seen from him before.

"stop crying." He said and I snapped at him. "I'm not crying! I'm not in the mood for talking Hyuga!"
"I can see your not in the mood but I can see your on the verge of tears." He said and removed his hand from the door.

I looked down and opened my door. "You can come in... I don't care." I said and walked in with him following me behind him.

"Why are you keeping secrets from us?"
"I'm not..."
"I can't figure out what's on your mind if you don't tell me."
"You don't need to know what's on my mind."
"We are friends aren't we? Friends aren't suppose to keep secrets to themselves. Tell me what your thinking right now." He said and I turned around looking at me with tears in my eyes.

"Fine I'll tell you! Would it have been better if you never met me!? I wish I never showed you around that stupid school!" I yelled then fell on my knees. Hyuga hasn't said a single thing. I look up and he looked shocked. "It was a waste of time to come here, Hyuga...! Please... Just..." I shook wildly and Hyuga bent down beside me.

"Tell me you don't really mean that you wish you didn't meet us!"
"I... I just keep hurting people... Everywhere I go..."
"Ally! Are you happy here!?"
"Give me your true answer! Are you happy living here!? Away from your real home!? Away from your friends that miss you so much!? Are you happy!?"

I clenched my teeth and fists and tears raced down my cheeks and onto the floor. "Ally!" Hyuga pressured me to answer him. I looked up and him and screamed my answer. "No! Of course I'm not happy! You idiot! I miss you all so much! I never wanted to leave!"

"Ally..." I heard someone at the door and the rest of the guys stood there  surprised. I started crying even harder. I've never cried this hard in my life...

Everyone rushed over to me and say around me. They dried my tears and I smiled with one last tear falling from my eye. "Come back to your real home." Yoshitsune said and I sighed.

"As much as I would like to... I can't. Not anymore." I said. "What!? Why!?" They all asked. "My house is in the middle of being destroyed right now... The house was bought by someone rich and they are making a bigger and better house. I don't have the money to by my own house."
"Live with us." Yoshitsune said and I shook my head.

"That won't work. I can't live under your house. It doesn't feel right to do that... Sorry..." I said and looked down.

"What are you talking about?" I heard my uncle at the door.

"You still own that property."
"No I don't. I sold it."
"I bought it. I knew this would happen so I went ahead and bought it."
"Uncle!" Overwhelmed I jump to my feet, run over to him, and hug him.

"Thank you so much! Your the best!" I say and he chuckled. "Anything for my lovely niece."

I packed up my things and went back home with the guys.

I smile as I continued to look forward to our future.

~ To Be Continued ~

In all honesty... I cried... A lot... What about you? By the way, how are you liking the book so far? I've had lots of amazing comments that just make my day so thank you so much!

I hope your looking forward to the next chapter 😄

~ Jessica Lalonde

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