Sohma: Chapter 1- Field Trip

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*Ally's POV*

A day passed since the dance. I didn't talk to the guys since then. My heart continued to pound when I got near them. I sit down at my desk and see that the guys all came in.

Sohma caught my eyes and I blushed, looking away. All of a sudden I heard a slam against my desk and I fell off my chair. The class laughed and it caught guys's attention. I felt my face burn and I look over to see Sakura at my desk. "W-what's your problem...?" I asked and she giggled.

"That was an amazing reaction! Anyways, I saw some neat things going on at the dance. You hit it off didn't you?"
"Y-y-you saw what happened!?"
"Who didn't? It's the talk of the school!"
"Oh no... I should have never attended that stupid dance..."
"Who did you pick?"
"N-no one..."

She crossed her arms. "I can't believe you!"
"I know who I love though... But I haven't told him yet..." I whispered and she spread a smile across her face.

"Really!? Who!?"
"Shhhh! Keep it down!" I said flustered. "Sorry. Who?"
"U-uh... S-Sohma..."
"Ahhh! Your so cute!" She screamed and I slapped my hand to her mouth.

"Will you be quiet!?" I asked and she giggled. "I'm sorry. But I think you two would be a cute couple. You should tell him."
"I'm thinking about it but..."
"You already know he likes you. Go for it."
"I'm going to wait... Just for a bit."

The bell rang and everyone too their seats. I forgot that the guys sat by me. I focused up front at the teacher trying to ignore them. They didn't try talking to me and I signed.

"We are going on a surprise field trip tomorrow. We will be gone for a week so pack lots of clothes." The teacher said and the whole class yelled "huuuh!?"

"I will randomly draw names for you to sit on the bus with and to stay in a hotel room with." Mr. Mellow said and lined up some names on his desk.

"Kazemasa and Mizuki. Enya and Benkei. Hyosuke and Yoshitsune. Hyuga and Goyo--" the teacher was cut off my Hyuga.

"No! Anyone but that!" He begged and Goyo laughed. "Yay! I'm Hyuga's partner!" Hyuga sighed and slumped. I giggled.

"Sohma and Ally. Sakura and..." I looked over at Sohma and he looked at me.

T-there is no way I can sit with him! Or... Stay in the same hotel room! Noooo! I yelled in my head.

- The Next Day -

I finished packing and head out the door. I still haven't talked to the guys yet. I was walking past their house on the way to school. Their door opened and they all walked outside with their bags.

I stopped and looked at them and they stopped when they saw me as well.

I need to talk to them eventually... Right? I thought to myself.

"Want to walk to school with me?" I asked and they all smiled running up to me. "Are you excited for the trip?" Sohma asked and I blushed a little. "Yeah. Do you know where we are even going?" I asked.

"I think he said something about some place tropical." Enya said and I put my hand in the air. "It is almost scarf weather so I wouldn't be surprised." I said and they nodded.

We arrived at school and got on the bus right away. We put our bags up above our seats and we both say down. "You look tired." Sohma said looking worried.

I didn't get to sleep well last night because I was so nervous, but I know I don't have much to worry about now. "Yeah... I couldn't sleep well lat night... I was pretty excited to go on this trip."
"I see. Well, you can go ahead and sleep on the way. I'll chat with our neighbours." He said and pointed to the seats beside us.

I look over and see Goyo and Hyuga. "You sure?" I asked. "No problem. You need your sleep." He said and ruffled my hair. I blushed and nodded as the bus started moving.

I ended up dozing off right away.

*Sohma's POV*

I watched her fall asleep and turned to Hyuga and Goyo. "She's totally off guard." Hyuga said and Goyo pouted. "Your so lucky Sohma. I would kill to sit by Ally, not to mention stay in the same hotel room."

I sighed "yeah but she seems pretty uncomfortable since we all confessed our feelings."

The buss took a turn and Ally's head landed on my shoulder. As if I were a pillow, she wrapped her arms around my body and I put my arm around her.

"She looks comfortable to me."

Hyuga huffed.

~ To Be Continued ~

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