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Hyosuke: ooh! I want to know what my chapter is about!

Hyuga: too bad for you. You have to wait.

Goyo: aw, don't be so hard on him Hyuga...

Hyuga: hmph!

Mizuki: now that Sohma's story is over...

Kazemasa: we are moving on to Yoshitsune's story.

Enya: I have to admit that I liked Sohma's story but I'm actually really interested in what Yoshitsine's story will turn out to be.

Benkei: wait... I just realized something...

Goyo: what's that, Benkei?

Benkei: are we all going to get
10 chapters?

Everyone: hmm...

Yoshitsune: what's going on here?

Hyosuke: what's your story Yoshitsune!?

~ Stay Tuned ~

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