Hyosuke: Chapter 8- You Were There For Me

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*Ally's POV*


I hear it in the distance.


Someone calling my name.
Who is it?
Why are they calling me?
Why can't I open my eyes to see?
This is so frustrating!
I have no strength!

"Wake up...!"

I can't!
I'm trying!
I'm trying so hard but I can't!
Help me!


The voice in the distance gradually gets closer.
I can hear them clearly.

"Ally! Open your eyes!"
"Hnnngg...!" I gasp and peak open my eyes slightly. Everything was a blur. "Ally!" Someone said and my eyes began to focus. "Hyosuke...? What are you doing here...? You should be in the water village..."
"I was done there. I got back and you were being taken away in an ambulance!"
"Ambulance...?" I look around and see I'm in an hospital.

"You worried me sick the whole time I was away! You wouldn't answer your phone!"
"Sorry... I thought I was only asleep for a few hours but... I didn't think I would have been asleep for 3 days."
"They had to take a blood test while you were asleep to figure out what was wrong."
"A blood test?"
"Yeah your results will be back in a bit."

I look down sadly. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm scared..." I said shaking. My whole body was trembling. I'm frightened. I want to know what's wrong with me but at the same time, I'm afraid to find out.

Hyosuke pulled me into an embrace on the bed. "I'll be right here beside you from here on out." Hyosuke whispered into my ear. I started to cry and burried my face into his shoulder, returning his embrace.

"Hyosuke." I heard someone call out to him. We both look over and see the doctor. "Can I see you for a second?" He asked and Hyosuke nodded. "Are you going to come back?" I asked and Hyosuke nodded. "Of course! 'I'll be here beside you', remember?" Hyosuke left with the Doctor.

I laid down and let my eyes wander around the room as I waited for them to come back in. As the time went by I grew more and more tired. I want to close my eyes and sleep. If I do, I might not wake up for a while. Who knows if I'll even open my eyes again if I close them now?

I tremble on the bed just thinking about it. Hyosuke and the doctor came back in. I sat up and Hyosuke grabbed my hand. "Ally, we just got your results back from your blood test." The doctor speaks. "O-oh..."
"You are low on iron making you more tired and that is why your sleeping so much and still feeling tired after that. Also, if you sleep for too long you will also feel like your still tired."
"Low on iron...?"
"I'll give you these pills to boost your iron up again. You need to start eating more things that will boost your iron even if your not hungry." The doctor handed me some pills and left the room once again.

"That's it...? Just low on iron...?" I whispered to myself looking at the bottle of iron pills. "Seems like it's not a big deal! You'll be yourself in no time!" Hyosuke smiled and held my hand. "I just have to take these pills every morning? Do you think there are any side effects?"
"I'm sure he would have told you if there was."
"I'm just glad that's all that's wrong with me..."
"Me too! You really had me worried you know!" Hyosuke complained. The door slid open and the guys walked in.

"Hey. Your not the only one worried about her, you know." Kazemasa said. "Sorry to make you all worry." I apologized. "We are just glad your alright." Yoshitsune said.

Everyone talked for a while and then I was left with Hyosuke again. "Do you think I'll be able to leave tonight?" I asked and Hyosuke replied "I hope so! I'll go ask if you want!"
"Um... P-please stay here..."
"Are you still scared?" Hyosuke poked fun at me and I pout.

"Don't make fun of me...! I don't want to fall asleep and not wake up until a week later...!"
"I understand. I'll stay here with you then. I look over at the clock and it was already 7:40pm. "... It's already pretty late. If you want to go home--"
"No I'll be right here beside you!"
"Hyosuke... Thank you for everything."
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."
"That's not true! Your always there for me! Caring for me and making my day! Always by my side and facing everything with me! Without you I'd be lost..."

Hyosuke looked down and furrowed his brow. "But I wasn't there for you this week... I was in the water village."
"You were there for other people though! And your wrong about not being there for me this week!"
"Like you said, I was at the water village! Not here with you!"
"You called me everyday to make sure I was alright!" Hyosuke's eyes widened.

I may not have got his messages until 3 days later but...

He still called.

He was still there for me.

~ To Be Continued ~

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