Chapter 17- Seats

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*Ally's POV*

I grab my books and quickly head to class where I met with the guys. As we stepped in the bell rang. "Safe!" Hyosuke laughs and Enya wraps his arm around my shoulder. "You owe us one now." He said and I mumbled. "Says the one who kidnaped me the other day..."

Everyone laughed and Mr. Mellow walked in with a loud voice. "New seating arrangement! You can pick where you sit this week! Oh, Ally. Please come here." I sighed "again..."

I walk up to him and he hands me a piece of paper, like every week. "Are you sure you still want these?" He asked. "I'm sure. Thank you." I say and look at the paper.

Considering on how no one likes me in the school... I get assigned to a place even when it's a 'choose where you sit' week.

I walk over to the forth row in the middle seat and sit down. I put my hand on my cheek and closed my eyes. I could hear the girls.

"Hyosuke! Want to come sit by me? I have a free spot beside me!"
"Kazemasa? Care to take a seat by me?"
"Oh, Enya! Want to sit with me!?"

All of a sudden, I hear a loud bang beside me. Startled, I open my eyes and look over to see Benkei putting down his books in a desk beside me. "Benkei...?" I asked and he looked over at me blushing.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked and I giggled. "A little... But why are you sitting beside me? I told you I didn't want you guys to get bullied." I say and he shrugs. "And we said we didn't care of we were bullied or not." He finishes and I sigh with a smile.

Enya takes a seat behind me. Goyo takes a seat to my other side. Hyosuke takes a seat in front of me. And the rest pretty much tried their best to join in. I look around at them and they just smiled back.

I heard people start to talk. "Those guys are really cool, so why are they hanging out with a girl like her?"
"Is she actually a really cool girl?"
"Maybe we should... Get to know her a little better."

I smiled when I heard that coming from my classmates. "Ah! There's that smile! Your so cute!" Goyo said and I blushed. "It's just a smile..." I mumble.

"Everyone, take your seats. Class is about to begin." Mr. Mellow says and everyone takes their seats.

- Lunch -

"Ally!" I heard someone call out to me from the side while I was on my way to the wall, where I normally sit. I look over and see the guys beckoning me over to their table. I smile and walk over to them.

"It looks like people are starting to open up to you." Mizuki said and I nodded. "Seems like it. Thank you guys so much." I said and Enya asked "what are you thanking us for?"

"It's because of you guys that they are actually opening up to me now." I explained and Hyuga sighed "we didn't do anything." I shook my head. "No. Thank you for talking to me and being there for me. You guys are really amazing people." I said and their faces turned red.

"That was so cute! Your adorable Ally!" Hyosuke said which caused me to blush. "What!? No I'm not! I'm just being honest!"
"That's exactly what makes you so cute!"
"Your honesty."
"That's a load of crap."

Everyone laughed and so did I.

I no longer felt hated around school. I no longer felt like a burden.

I no longer got those evil glares. I no longer got bullied.

I wasn't alone anymore.

I had them by my side.

Nothing would change that.

~ To Be Continued ~

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