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Since returning to the castle after the holidays, Eleanor found herself in better spirits, completely neglecting the fact that dementors were still guarding the grounds

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Since returning to the castle after the holidays, Eleanor found herself in better spirits, completely neglecting the fact that dementors were still guarding the grounds. Not even soul-sucking creatures could dampen her mood, she was smiling a lot more, enough that others were noticing.

"Did you have a nice holiday, Ms Ross?"

Professor Lupin greeted her when she entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom one morning, noting that she had arrived earlier than the rest of her peers.

"I did actually," she answered as she settled at her seat and started pulling her knitting supplies from her bag. "How about you, Professor? Did you have a nice time?"

"It was quiet for the most part," he said, "but sometimes I welcome the silence. It's better than chaos. Perhaps you can relate, I assume that's why you showed up to the classroom fifteen minutes before my class actually starts?"

With a chuckle, Eleanor nodded her head. "The quiet helps me concentrate on my rather pathetic hobby."

Glancing over the yarn and the current project she was working on, Professor Lupin made his way over to stand beside her.

"I would hardly call it a pathetic hobby," he said, "I would never attempt to do it myself. I would make the most horrific jumper you've ever seen."

"Well, you have to start somewhere!" Eleanor said in an encouraging tone. "You should have seen some of my earlier work when I was just getting started. Besides, you wouldn't start off trying to knit a jumper, you could start off with a scarf, it's a lot easier."

"Is that what you're working on now?"

"Yes." She held up the work that was as long as the length of her forearm. "It doesn't look like much now, but I only started it this morning."

Professor Lupin's eyes widened as he looked back and forth between her and the scarf. "This morning? And you have already managed that? I am extremely impressed, Ms Ross, considering I would still be struggling on the first stitch."

He continued to watch Eleanor for the next few minutes as she worked diligently, while Eleanor tried to show him how easy it was once one got the hang of it. Of course, the conversation came to end when the other students, including Marnie and Cedric, began entering the classroom before the bell rang.

And as Professor Lupin gave his lecture on Defensive Theories, he allowed Eleanor to continue her project. But just to see if she could truly multitask, he would call on her occasionally to ask a question, and she was able to answer to satisfaction. However, what Eleanor and the other students were unaware of, was Professor Lupin was paying a little closer attention to her, trying to figure out why she seemed so familiar to him.

When the class came to an end, Professor Lupin hadn't figured it out, but Eleanor collected her belongings to leave the classroom. She had only stepped out of the classroom when she spotted Fred and George down the way in the corridor. Under normal circumstances, she would have approached them with a greeting but with Cedric and Marnie behind her, Eleanor didn't want to risk them trying to insinuate anything from the interactions. Cedric already knew about the letters that had been sent back and forth over the holidays, and Marnie seemed to have her suspicions that something was up.

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