Chapter 6

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Kevin's POV

Well ladies my work here is done, with that I walk out of the room to find Grant propped against the wall checking his phone he looks up at me "hey is everything okay in there?" "With Mal oh yeah everything is fine." We both walk out of the house not knowing the storm that will be waiting for us when we get back.

Vanessa's POV

I help Mallory get off the floor she starts brushing off her clothes "No offense to you or Kevin but that was a dirty trick he pulled I can't believe I fainted." I felt bad for her because I knew how much she liked him "Come with me we are going to go get even." She follows me out of the house to go meet some people who might be able to help us out.

Mallory's POV

I get in the car and Vanessa starts driving and this is the first time I have ever seen her really angry about something "Where are we going?" She keeps her eyes on the road and tightens her grip on the steering wheel "We are going to make a deal." I groan and lay my head against the dashboard thinking to myself I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with all of this.

Vanessa's POV

I stop the car

in front of the large house and we both get out Mallory looks over at me but doesn't say anything but she follows me up to the door anyway I knock and a few minutes later we are greeted by Jensen Ackles, Kevin and I had ran into him at a few parties and places like that and I was on good terms with his wife. "Hey Vanessa right?" I nod my head "Is Daneel at home?" "Yeah her and Gen are in the kitchen come with me." Mallory and I follow him into the kitchen where the two women are talking Daneel sees me and walks over and gives me a friendly hug and Jensen walks out of the kitchen with that we get down to business.

Later on during our little meeting I suggest my idea because she had mentioned before that her favorite was Nick and Gen had mentioned earlier that she liked AJ "If you let us borrow Jensen and Jared to make Kevin jealous I will make sure you meet Nick and AJ." The two noises that come from these girls weren't human it was a mix of a scream and a squeal.

Kevin's POV

decide to take Grant back to the house where he might get another chance to introduce himself I hoped Vanessa and Mallory weren't too mad at me and I know I shouldn't have laughed but she did hit the floor. I stop the car and see two unfamiliar ones in the driveway Grant and I walk in the house and the sight in front of me infuriates me Vanessa is sitting on the couch talking to Jared Paladecki from Supernatural and he has his hand on her leg I look up and from across the room Mallory only has eyes for Grant and he is looking back at her with his head cocked to the side like a confused puppy. I storm upstairs and throw open the closet door and get the CD and walk back downstairs, I walk over to Vanessa who is still talking to Jared and throw the Cd in her lap and walk back upstairs and slam the bedroom door shut.

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