Chapter 29

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Vanessa's POV

I watch Grant follow her out of the party then I turn and look at Kevin. "How could you invite him after what he did he never called her?" "Ness you know how much she likes him I'm sure that they will work it out somehow." "I doubt it you didn't talk to her you don't know how she feels he really hurt her."

Kevin's POV

Vanessa was right, I didn't know how bad it hurt her and I didn't talk to her about it either maybe it was a bad idea to invite Grant to the party. I hope this wouldn't cause any hard feelings between us because she was fun to joke with and she would always have a sarcastic comeback or insult to give me. Maybe I had gone t far with trying to get the two of them together. Not only was I wasting their time I was also wasting mine or maybe they just needed to figure out a way to make it work without me getting involved all the time.

Mallory's POV

I look up at Grant who has a smile on his face "What was that for?" "Come on babe give me another shot you know you want too." His inner Sebastian Smythe was showing and I liked it but I didn't know what to say or if I should give him another shot but I did like him and hopefully I wouldn't regret this. "Okay fine you win." "So want to go back to that party or do you want to go somewhere else?" "Depends on where somewhere else is?" "Come with me back to my place I want to show you something?" I try not to show that I am actually nervous about going to Grant's house and what he might want to show me. If it is the episodes of Glee he did I've already seen them but I don't want him to know that. If it is the movie he was making I haven't seen it but I really want to. "Okay just let me tell Vanessa that I will come back later to get my car before I go home." "I'll go with you." We both start walking back to the party together.

Vanessa's POV

I'm standing by Kevin when I feel someone tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Grant and Mallory standing together, how does Kevin always know what the two of them are going to do it is starting to annoy me about how right he is about the two of them. "Hey Ness I'm going with Grant for a little bit could I come back and get my car later?" She was going to his house; I could barely contain how excited I was about this "Yeah that will be fine I don't think anyone will hit it." She looks at me "Please don't joke like that. "Just go and have a good time." When the two of them leave the party together wondering what all those two would get up to tonight.

Grant's POV

After we got back to my place she sat on the couch only to be greeted by my white ball of fur known as Jett who took a spot in her lap and she started rubbing his belly and I know he was hooked already I put in a DVD of A Mother's Nightmare we had all gotten a copy to watch before it aired on Lifetime I walk over and sit down and we start watching the movie together. It is still the beginning part of the movie and she starts laughing "What's so funny?" "You in this movie how lame is the pick-up line I go to this school and you tripped." She keeps laughing at me "Hey I was acting." She keeps watching the movie and I notice her reaction to the shirtless scene, her eyes get a little bigger and I hear give a little gasp then I watch her lick her bottom lip. When the movie ends I look over at her "So what do you think?" "I liked it but that chick was crazy how did he not see that?" I shrug my shoulders and she looks over at me "So now what do you want to do?" I look down at my watch to see what time it is and see that it really isn't that late she gets up and walks over to the shelf that has movies and she picks one then walks back over and sits next to me and we start watching The Hunger Games.

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