Chapter 12

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Vanessa's POV

I'm sitting in the living room and the door opens and closes and Kevin walks in the room and sits in a chair. I look over at him and he is looking at me. "Do you want to go out for dinner or something tonight?" I shake my head no and he runs his hand through his hair. "I'm really trying here Vanessa." Then he walks upstairs and I hear the bedroom door close.

Kevin's POV

I shut the bedroom door open the closet and pull out one of the bags I use when I'm gone I pull out a few days' worth clothes and put them in the bag. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly then zip up the bag and sling it over my shoulder and walk downstairs I stop by the chair she is sitting in "I'm going to go stay with one of the guys or in a hotel or something for the next few days." She doesn't say anything and I start walking toward the door and I stop in my tracks when I hear her voice for the first time in weeks "Stay with me." I turn around and look back at her and drop my bag in the floor, and walk over to her. She stands up and I pull her in my arms and hold her close to me.

Grant's POV

I'm doing anything to try to keep myself occupied to where I won't think of her, I'm brought out of my thoughts by my phone ringing I pick it up only to see that Kevin is calling me maybe he wants to explain things. "Hello." "Grant hey listen I found something of yours in my car I think you dropped it when you went to dinner with us could you come by and get it." "Um yeah sure I'll be there soon."

Mallory's POV

I'm sitting in my living room trying to keep my mind focused on the book that is in my hands normally I would be able to finish the entire trilogy of The Hunger Games in just three days but that wasn't the case this time, I throw the book down on the table and lean my head back against the couch only to hear my phone start ringing I pick it up and see that is Kevin. "Hello?" "She said she will talk to you now so could you come here?" "Yeah sure I'll be there soon."

Kevin's POV

I had to lie to them they needed to talk and so did all of us as a group where everything could be sorted even though I knew she did forgive me it would still take a while for her to be over it I just hoped that during our little meeting everyone would be able to keep calm and discuss everything like the adults that we are, and I decide not to tell Vanessa that I had invited Mallory over here to talk because she probably wouldn't agree to meeting with them. A little while later I hear two cars pull in the driveway and I hear two doors open and shut and I walk outside.

Grant's POV

I stop when I see who gets out of the other car, it's her she's here and I look at Kevin who has just walked outside "what is she doing here?" "I wanted both of you here so we could all talk things out about what happened a few weeks ago. I look over at her once more and I shake my head and start walking back toward my car.

Mallory's POV

He's leaving and I start thinking of something I could say to get him to stay here and talk to me then I think of something. I watched an interview where he had admitted to being a hard core fan of The Hunger Games; he even said he had read all of the books. I didn't want him to know that I was a fan but I decide to go with this anyway with hopes that it might just work. "You like me real or not real?" He stops walking toward his car and turns around and looks at me.

Author's Note: Fact Grant really did mention how much he liked the books in an interview that he did, and there were fans who were voting and wanting him to have the part.

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