Chapter 15

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Kevin's POV

I see the two love birds walk back up in the yard and they are standing in the driveway smiling and talking. I watch as Grant walks over and gets in his car and drives off. I walk outside and shut the door behind me.

Mallory's POV

It's been a long but good day and I am ready go home and take a nap I'm walking over to my car but something grabs my arm and starts dragging me back, I look behind me and see that it is Kevin. "Kev what do you want now I want to go home. "Nope I need your help with something now get in the car. I groan and get in the car and slam the door.

Kevin's POV

I get in and shut my door only to be receiving an angry glare. "All we are doing is going shopping. "I hate shopping and I have already been dragged to the mall once today." "Here's the deal I need you to come with me and help me find something because there is something I want to ask Vanessa." "The two of you are already married what important question could you possibly have to ask her?" Sometimes I wonder why I am friends with her especially when she can be so sarcastic and snarky.

Mallory's POV

After driving for a while we stop in front of this store I get out and look up at the building and look at the name. We are at a baby store Kevin walks around to my side of the car and looks at me. "I needed you to come help me find something from here because I'm going to ask her if she's ready to have a baby." I started thinking to myself how Kevin and Vanessa would make great parents and how loved any child of theirs would be "Okay I'll help you find something."

Kevin's POV

While Mallory and I are looking through the store and older woman walks up to "How far along are you?" I look over at Mallory who looks so insulted by this question, "We are just looking but thank you anyway." The lady walks off and as soon as she is out of sight Mallory whirls around and looks at me "Do I look pregnant?" I start laughing at her, "Kevin I'm serious answer me do I look like I'm pregnant." "No you look fine I promise. She walks a few shelves over and starts looking at baby outfits. "So do you think you'll ever shop here?" "I'm shopping here now." "No I mean for your own kids?" She had never told me or Vanessa if she ever wanted to have kids we did know she did not want to get married at all. "I don't know I might one day, I will end up shopping at a lot of places for four kids." I look up at her "You want four kids?" "Yeah first a boy or a girl, then after that the opposite of the first and then to finish I'm hoping for twins a boy and girl." "Uh huh and have you told Grant that you plan on making him a baby making machine?" "Nope I don't see why I would." "I wish the two of you would start dating already you're killing me." She rolls her eyes and keeps holding up outfits and I find the perfect thing I walk over and hold up a blue Kentucky onesie "Hey Mal what do you think of this?" She looks at "Well as someone from Tennessee I can't let your baby be seen wearing something like that, but for what you're doing it's perfect." After I buy the outfit and have it put in a gift bag we leave the store and while we are on the way back to the house I look over at Mallory, "Thank you for coming with me I owe you one." "You can pay me back by having the group sing at my wedding." "Okay you're on." We pull up and I stop the car and we both get out. "Good luck with asking her about the baby thing." She walks over and gets in her car and drives off I take a deep breath and walk in the house.

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