Chapter 27

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Mallory's POV

It's New Year's Eve and I'm walking through the streets of Paris when I see a brick wall I walk over and take a seat and watch couple walk by me then the sky lights up and the booms and cracks from the fireworks echo all around me. I look up at the tower and watch the fireworks enjoying the moment and the fact that I have done the one thing I have always wanted to do. I look down at my phone to see that is now midnight and all around me I see strangers and couples kissing each other I sigh and look back up and keep watching the firework show and I wonder what Kevin and Vanessa are doing tonight, and I even let my mind think of Grant and what he might be doing as well. When the fireworks have stopped and the streets have thinned out and there aren't as many people I jump down off the brick wall and land on my feet and start walking back to my hotel room knowing that in a few more days I would be heading back home.

Grant's POV

I'm at a New Year's Eve Party and the room is crowded with lots of people I'm standing off to myself not really feeling in the festive mood. I look down at the glass that is almost full of a drink that I have barely touched tonight and I wonder what I am even doing here. Everyone else in the room starts counting down and I glance down at my watch when it reaches midnight all of the people who have dates kiss each other and I'm caught off guard when a blonde puts her arms around my neck and kisses me. This is a lot different than the last kiss I actually had and I'm not counting the ones I had to do for the movie a mother's nightmare. This kiss felt wrong her lips were coated in lip-gloss and they were sliding all over my lips and face. She walks away and I wipe off the lip-gloss she left behind and I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through all of my contacts, I told her I would call her or text her and I never did. I could do it now but with tonight being New Year's Eve I don't even know where she is or who else she could be with. I put the phone back in my pocket and walk out of the party so I could get some sleep because tomorrow I was going to the airport and getting a plane ticket.

Mallory's POV

When I get home and unlock the door and walk in the house everything is still the same well almost everything. There are now presents under my tree I walk over and look at the gifts to see who they are from I see a few from Kevin Vanessa and Kevin, my family, and a few other people. I open the travel cage and let Hades out. He gets out and shakes himself off then walks over and gets in his own bed. I look down at my phone and see that it is kind of early without even bothering to change clothes I walk back out of the house.

Vanessa's POV

I wake up and see that it is a little after seven, I can't find a comfortable position to sleep in so I get up and walk downstairs to eat breakfast. I'm still half asleep when I walk in the kitchen I look and see Mallory sitting at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal. "Hey Mal." I open the refrigerator door in search for breakfast then it clicks I slam the door shut "You're back!!" I let out a scream then run over and hug her and she slides out of the chair and hugs me back.

Kevin's POV

I hear Vanessa scream from downstairs and my mind automatically goes to the worst possible situation I run downstairs into the kitchen only to see that she is hugging Mallory. Looks like she finally came home I cough to let them know I'm in the room. Mallory looks at me and raises an eyebrow "Do you not own a shirt?" I laugh then I walk over and hug her too "Vanessa told me about the Grant thing I'm sorry about how things turned out." "Hey it wasn't your fault he didn't ever call." We all sit down and she starts to tell us about what she has been doing the past two months and I look at Vanessa who couldn't be happier that her friend is back home. I'm trying to pay attention to the conversation but zone out until I hear Vanessa telling her about the party on Friday. "I don't know about the party thing." "Come on please we haven't done anything together in two months." "Okay fine I'll go." I start thinking to myself that I might have one more shot at this matchmaking thing.

Sing it AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora