Chapter 44

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Kevin's POV

I'm in the kitchen eating breakfast when I hear a knock in the door I get up and walk over and open it and I can honestly say I am actually happy to see Mallory standing there she walks in. "Um is Vanessa here?" "We have a doctor's appointment today and she's getting ready." "Oh well never mind then?" "Is everything okay?" "I was going to ask if Hades could stay here for two weeks because I'm going to Virginia with Grant to meet his family." "You want that demonic thing you call a dog to stay here I don't think so." "Kev he's a dog he won't kill you in your sleep." "I beg to differ." I stop talking when I hear footsteps coming downstairs I lean around the corner and see that it is Vanessa she walks in the kitchen "Hey Mal how's it going?" "Good but I need you to do something I'm going out of town with Grant for two weeks and I really need someone to watch Hades for me." "We'd love to." My eyes go wide when I realize that thing will be staying in the house for two weeks.

Vanessa's POV

Mal hugs me then she looks down at her phone then look back at me "I have to go I'm actually late for something." Then she walks back out of the house I walk over and wrap my arms around Kevin's waist "We get to see what the baby looks like today are you excited?" "Excited and a little scared what if something has happened?" I reach up and put my hand on the side of his face "Kev the doctor said the baby is fine and everything is going great for both of us." He leans his head down and puts his forehead against mine, I wrap my arms around his neck and start running my hand through his hair then Kevin puts his arms around my waist I close my eyes and enjoy this little moment but it doesn't last for long. We are both pulled out of our moment when my parents walk in the kitchen.

Kevin's POV

I can barely keep the groan and sigh from coming out but I manage to keep it in control I wish I knew how much longer they were planning on staying here I walk over to the table and grab my keys and other things and stick them in my pockets, Vanessa grabs her things as we start walking toward the door and my chance for at least a few hours of freedom and peace but we are stopped by Vanessa's mother "Where are the two of you going?" Vanessa turns around and looks at her "We have a doctor's appointment today." I start begging; hoping and praying that her mother won't ask to come with us. "Make sure you bring back some ultrasound pictures." When we walk out of the house I let out the breath I was holding and get in the car.

Vanessa's POV

We reach the doctor's office and once again we end up having to wait for a long time I look over at Kevin who is sitting in the chair next to the bed I'm on. The silence in the room is broken by his voice I feel his hand in mine and I look over at him "Have you thought about who is going to be in the room with you when you are in labor?" I hadn't really thought about it but I knew I had to have Kevin with me plus he deserved the chance to see our baby be born and I could choose one other person to be with us I just didn't know who else I would pick "I know that I want you back there with me I won't be able to go through that without you." He leans forward and kisses my hand we hear a knock on the door then the doctor walks in the room.

Kevin's POV

The doctor walks over to a machine and turns it on then picks up a tube of gel and pours some on Vanessa's stomach and the minute I hear a gasp from her I'm on my feet by her side "Kev everything is okay it's just a little cold that's all." I stay standing and watch as the doctor starts moving the thing around on her stomach he stops and there on the screen is our baby. The little one who was keeping Vanessa awake at night by kicking and still making her sick when she ate certain things the baby we had made together was on the screen in front of me. The doctor starts pointing out various body parts and labeling them for us in the pictures and a few minutes later he gives Vanessa a towel to wipe the gel off her stomach "Come back in two months for another ultrasound and by then we should be able to tell what you are having." He gives Vanessa a little envelope with the pictures of the baby then he walks out of the room.

Vanessa's POV

I look over at Kevin who has been incredibly quiet for the last little bit "Are you okay?" He clears his throat and I can tell that he is a little choked up at the moment "That's our baby we actually got to see our baby." I pull my shirt down then sit up "Everything is fine just like I said and in two months we get to find out if it is a boy or girl." His hands go to my stomach and we both feel the baby start kicking.

Mallory's POV

I'm standing in my room packing things for my upcoming trip and I hold up each outfit before I decide on if it is appropriate enough to be worn to meet Grant's family I walk back over to my closet and start looking at everything in there I hold up a pair of black cut off shorts, after looking at them then holding them against me and glancing in the mirror I decide that those are shorts you can't wear in front of your boyfriend's mother I toss them over my shoulder without even glancing behind me when I hear "Now why haven't I had the chance to see you wear these yet." I almost jump out of my skin and I whirl around and see Grant walking in my room looking at the clothes that are all over the floor "The sale must have been huge I hope no one got trampled." I roll my eyes and walk over to him "I'm looking for clothes that your family will approve I want them to like me." He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts up my chin to where I'm looking at him. "Babe don't worry my family is going to love you I promise." "That still doesn't help Grant."

Grant's POV

She was cute when she was freaking out, I know she just wanted to make a good first impression on my family I knew my mom was already looking forward to meeting her and she had already told my brother and sister that I was bringing someone home with me I had a lot more planned for us than her just meeting my family we were going to be alone for two weeks and things had gotten heated for us more than once already and I kind of hoped that maybe during the next two weeks we would get the chance to take the next step in our relationship.

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