Chapter 13

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Kevin's POV

I'm confused on what just happened between the two of them, I think in some sort of weird way she might have just asked him if he liked her but I wasn't entirely sure. I shake my head and the three of us walk in the house and we all stop when Vanessa walks in the room. I look at her "We all need to talk about this okay so don't get mad." She sighs and then we all walk in the kitchen and sit down at the table. We all sit down on different sides of the table.

Vanessa's POV

I look at Kevin and then at Mallory and she is looking at me too. "Did either of you like the kiss?" The first one to answer is my so called friend. "I don't really remember it so I can't tell you if I liked it but I can tell you is that I had a lot of drinks, you know I would never do that to you on purpose it was a onetime mistake that shouldn't have happened." I feel Kevin reach over and put his hand on top of mine. "She's telling you the truth about everything, and I'm really sorry that something like that happened but it won't happen again." I take a look between the two of them, "Oh and one more thing, Kevin really isn't my type." I laugh at this "Okay fine I forgive the two of you." Then they both say thank you multiple times.

Kevin's POV

She had forgiven us and I was thrilled but her and Mallory really needed to talk alone, I stand up and look at Grant "Let's go for a walk so they can talk." He stands up but before we walk outside I walk over and get behind Mallory's chair, "By the way I'm a little insulted you love me and you know it." She slaps my arm then pushes my face away from her I laugh then walk outside with Grant.

Vanessa's POV

I look over at Mallory who is still sitting on the other side of the table. "I take it things aren't going that well between you and Grant." She looks up at me "I don't think there are even things between us I want to talk to him but I don't know if he wants to talk to me." I walk over and sit down next to her "I think you should talk to him because I know you like him and I think he really likes you too." She lays her head down on the table "I can't believe I quoted the hunger games to him." I'm a little confused at this "Mal what do you mean by you quoted the hunger games?" "I looked at him and said you like me real or not real?" I start laughing and she looks up at me "It isn't funny he's going to think I'm a nerd." I stop laughing. "As someone who has seen the inside of your house and half of the super hero t-shirts that you own you are a nerd but the two of you would be so cute now get up." "Where are we going?" "I'm taking you shopping." She pulls away and grips on to the kitchen counter "I'm not going I hate shopping." I grab her arm and start pulling her out of the house.

Kevin's POV

While I'm walking I start thinking about how much these two will owe me if they ever get married, I better have a good seat at their wedding and I had better be asked to give a speech too because I am not doing this for my health. "So what did she mean earlier by what she said?" A smile appears across his face and I know he likes what she said to him. "She was quoting the hunger games I love those books." "Yeah she reads all the time she has tons of books." "Look I'm glad all of you are friends again but you didn't have to invite me over just to talk I don't really have anything to do with this." "You have a lot to do with it actually and I think you should talk to her." All he does is shrug his shoulders and we keep walking. "Just give it a chance I think things might go better than you think."

Vanessa's POV

After complaining for the biggest part of the shopping trip we make it back home and yes even though she argued with me the biggest part of the time she did buy some cute outfits and a few dresses I was so proud of her. We pull in the driveway and I stop the car, we get our bags out and walk in the house.

Grant's POV

I look up when the door opens and she's standing there, I want to talk to her but I don't know what I should say to her. I feel an elbow hit me in the side I look and I'm receiving a glare from Kevin I stand up and walk over to her and she looks up at me. "Uh, um would you like to go for a walk with me?" "Sure." She said yes and I let out the breath I was holding and we walk outside together.

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