Chapter 42

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Kevin's POV

Vanessa is in the kitchen fixing something to drink for her parents my keys are on the counter next to her I walk in the kitchen and go to grab my keys but she yanks them away from me "Come on please give them to me." "She look up at me "You aren't leaving me here alone with them if I have to stay here so do you." "Come on Ness you know your parents hate me and they are really going to love it when you tell them about the baby." She looks up at me then runs her hands down the front of my shirt then she grabs me by the collar and pulls me close to her face "You're staying now stop complaining about it or we won't get to finish what we started earlier."

Vanessa's POV

I feel a slight pressure in my stomach at first I think nothing of it but when I feel it again I realize what it is the baby has started moving and kicking I turn around and grab Kevin's hands and put them on my stomach hoping that the baby will do it again he looks at me confused at first just like me but then he feels it to and I watch his face light up "He's kicking?" I nod my head then Kevin gets on his knees in front of me and I start running my hands through his hair "What makes you so sure it's a he?" "Well I'm not really sure it is a boy." Kevin stands up then wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. I hug back and wrap my arms around him then lay my head against his chest. "I love you Ness." "I love you too Kev."

Mallory's POV

As I'm getting ready to leave the house my door opens and in walks Kevin I roll my eyes "I have got to get my spare key back from Vanessa." He looks up at me "Look Vanessa's parents are at the house they don't know she's pregnant and she sent me to the store so I have plenty of time and what on earth are you wearing?" I look at what I'm wearing "Um its shorts, a shirt, boots, and a cap, plus you and Vanessa are married so they can't punish you for anything." "Are you feeling okay because you don't usually dress like that?" "Kev who made you the fashion police?" "Sorry." "Now go back to your house and go tell Vanessa's parents that you have made them grandparents and I will send some nice flowers to your funeral what kind do you like?" "You're a lot of help you know?" "Yeah Yeah well you and Vanessa both love me now get out of my house." Kevin rolls his eyes then walks out of the house. I shake my head then grab my phone and keys and walk out of the house.

Grant's POV

I'm pacing back and forth through my house while my mom is on the phone again asking all kinds of questions "Come visit soon I miss you." "Mom I visited you before Christmas that hasn't been that long ago." "Yeah but I want to see you again before you get busy are you going back on Glee again?" "Yes mom I have a few appearances this season." "Will you come visit soon?" "I will come visit you again but can I bring someone with me?" "Who are you bringing?" "Um there's this girl that I've been dating." "I can't wait to meet her I will let everyone know you are bringing her with you." "Mom wait"... My mom cuts me off and keeps talking about my dad and my brother and sister meeting her "Mom just cool it okay you don't have to make a big deal out her coming with me she's actually really shy so maybe you shouldn't." "Fine but I really want to meet her." Then my mom hangs up and now I get to tell Mal that she gets to meet my family in Virginia, I sit on the bed and wonder about what I had just gotten myself into.

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