Chapter 20

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Mallory's POV

I'm woke up the next morning by my phone ringing, I peek out from under my blankets and pillows and look at the screen to see who is calling and it's Vanessa I groan but I answer the phone anyway. "Hello?" "So how did it go last night?" "Vanessa you have watched Supernatural with me thousands of time you know how it went." "I'm not asking about Dean or Sam right now I want to know about the date between you and Grant, did he kiss you, where did he take you?" "First of all calm down and take a deep breath." I hear her take a deep breath through the phone. "Okay so it went great he took me to that one restaurant that you and Kevin always go to the one I've always wanted to go to, and he got us a table where we could see the water and all of the boats that were out. Then after we ate we went for a walk on the beach, and my feet started hurting and he picked me up and carried me. When we got back to his car everyone had already left and the restaurant was closed and when we got home he kissed me while we were standing on the porch. I hear a high pitched scream come from the other side "what was the kiss like?" "He's a really good kisser and it was amazing he had his arms around my waist and he pulled me closer and I had my arms around his neck." "It sounds like things got pretty steamy between the two of you." "Ha-ha very funny I'm going back to sleep we can talk about that later. We both hang up I pull the blankets back over me and go back to sleep.

Vanessa's POV

I clap excitedly as I get off the phone and Kevin picks that moment to walk in the room "What has you so excited Ness?" "She said the date went great and he kissed her, I think they really like each other." He nods his head then walks into the kitchen, I can't help but get excited I start thinking of the four of us going on double dates, and what their wedding would be like and if their kids would be like Mallory or Grant or an equal mix of the two, then another thought pops into my head would they stay here or would she move away, when this happens I end up running in the bathroom and start throwing up.

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