Chapter 47

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Grant's POV

I take my bag out of the house then put it in the car and I take a deep breath in a few hours we would be on our way to Virginia to meet my family I wanted this to go well and I wanted them to like her, I'm a momma's boy I wouldn't hide that so it was important to me that the two of them got along so I hope the next two weeks went along as smoothly as possible since we would be staying in one house together. I get in the car and get ready to head over to her house.

Mallory's POV

I grab my bags and walk outside just in time to see Grant pulling in the driveway I drag them off the porch then put them in his car and I get in he reaches over and grabs my hand and I look over at him "Are you ready for this babe?" I was nervous but I didn't want to let him know that so instead of telling him the truth "Yeah I'm ready." I reach over and shut the door and we head toward the airport and I take a deep breath knowing that whatever happened in these next two weeks Grant would be there with me.

Kevin's POV

I send another glare in the direction of the gray ball of fur that is on his back enjoying the fact that Vanessa is rubbing his belly he might have her fooled but not me I still remember the day on the porch where he almost attacked me he rolls his head over and looks me and I see those big golden eyes settle on me and I get an uncomfortable feeling he gets off the couch and shakes himself off and I know what's coming Hades walks over and I go still the next thing I know I feel slobber and a tongue on my face I push him away and he sits in the floor wagging his tail I reach over slowly and rubs his head feeling his coarse fur between my hands and start thinking that maybe getting a dog wouldn't be so bad plus every kid needs a dog to grow up with maybe I could talk Vanessa into letting us get on not one like Hades but maybe some other kind of dog. I'm pretty sure if I was very persuasive and made a good argument she might let us get a dog or we could go rescue one.

Grant's POV

After waiting at the airport and then going through the flight home it was two in the afternoon in Virginia I stop the car in front of my house she gets out and stretches then looks at the house and props against the car I walk over and stand in front of her she looks up at me and I look in her green eyes searching for what is wrong with her "What's wrong babe?" "What if they don't like me?" I put my hands on the side of her face and lift it up to where she's looking at me "my family is going to love you babe I promise." She nods her head then I kiss her and wrap my arms around her waist then she kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck. Then I pick her up and sit her on the hood of the car and keep kissing her I feel her give my hair a sharp tug and then I remember where we are and that now isn't a good time for this. I hold out my hand then help her down then we get out bags and walk in my house.

Mallory's POV

I follow behind Grant as we walk in the house he reaches behind me and shuts the door He calls out "I'm home." A few minutes later a girl younger than him with blonde hair runs in the room and hugs him tight he smiles then hugs her back and I realize this must be his sister he looks down at her then another guy about Grant's height or a little shorter walks in the room so this must be his brother. Grant's brother peaks around him and his eyes settle on me "Well little brother who is this?" I feel Grant's arm go around my waist and he pulls me to his side "This is my girlfriend Mallory." As soon as he says that I'm wrapped in a tight hug by the blonde girl I tense up a bit then relax "Babe this is my little sister Gracie." She gives me a huge smile "I can tell that we are going to be great friends." I smile at her "I think so too." Grant's brother walks over and gives me a nod "Hi I'm Tyler." I give him a wave "Hi." Then another person walks in the room and she is an older woman who looks a lot Grant and right away I know who she is this is Grant's mother. Grant walks over to her and hugs her and she hugs him back and wraps her arms around his neck and he looks so happy to see her. They start talking and her eyes wonder over to me and she looks at Grant. He looks back at me and holds out his hand I walk over and take it he smiles when he looks down at me then back at his mom. "Mom this is my girlfriend Mallory." I get another warm hug and then she looks at the two of us "I'm sure the two of you want to rest after the trip go unpack and I will let you know when dinner is ready in a few hours."

Grant's POV

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