Chapter 9

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Vanessa's POV

Mallory walks in behind me and shuts the door I walk over to the closet and start pulling things out of the closet; I look back and see Mallory sitting on the bed "Why aren't you helping me?" She looks down at her clothes that consist of some dark blue jeans and a black shirt with Guns-N-Roses written across it "I'm not letting you wear that on your first date with Grant Gustin." "I think you are getting ahead of yourself this isn't a date." "You'll thank me later." I turn back around and pull a dress I had never worn off one of the hangers in the closet it wasn't really my style but I look over at Mallory then hand her the dress. She stands up and holds the dress up and looks at me with wide eyes "I can't wear something like that are you crazy?" Her voice raises a few octaves. "Look calm down and just put on the dress and I will find you some shoes." She walks in the bathroom and I turn back to the closet and I begin looking for some shoes and I find a pair of black heels that will go perfectly with the dress, I lay them on the bed and begin to get ready myself.

Kevin's POV

It's been a little over an hour and Grant and I are the only two down her I look down at my watch for what feels like the hundredth time we both look up and I am amazed at what I see, in the short years I have known Mallory I can't think of a time I have seen her in a dress she didn't even wear one to mine and Vanessa's wedding, She was showing skin and her legs I knew if I was looking at this as someone who was married Grant had to have been looking as well, I look over at Grant and his eyes are on her taking her in I look away and see Vanessa coming down behind her wearing a blue dress and she was beautiful even after four years there were still moments there were moments where she would take my breath away both of them reach us Vanessa walks over to me and Mallory stands by Grant. I turn and look at them. Mallory shyly looks down at the floor and Grant has a smile on his face and I look down at Vanessa and whisper in her ear "How much would you bet that one of them makes a move on each other before it is all over with?" She thinks about it then looks up at me "I'm going to say nothing will happen." "Okay fine if you're right I will clean for a week and if I'm right well you will just find out later." She rolls her eyes at me and we all walk out. While we are in our way to eat a wonderful awkward silence fills the car I look in the mirror and see that another person could fit in between Mallory and Grant and I let out a loud sigh. Vanessa puts her hand on my leg and looks over at me "Is something wrong?" I shake my head no and hope that one of them makes a move because I really don't want to clean the house. While we are at dinner nothing happens other than all of us talking and I'm thinking maybe he will be the type to kiss her when this is all over with. After we eat dinner and drive back to the house and all get out of my car. The two of them are putting their numbers in each other's phones then he smiles and gets in his car and drives off.

Vanessa's POV

I look over at Mallory who is wearing a big smile on her face and I know that she is beginning to have hope that it might work out between the two of them, I didn't know all the details about her previous relationship just that she ended up heart broken and she had a hard time trusting people but I could tell that she was beginning to open up to him and I really wanted it to work out for her. "You can spend the night if you want to?" She looks up at me and Kevin "No thanks I think I'll go home for the night but I will stop by tomorrow so you can have your dress back." "Keep it the dress looks better on you anyway." She walks over to her car and pulls out of our driveway.

Kevin's POV

After Vanessa and I have gone outside she wraps her arms around my neck and I think that she is going to kiss me and she leans toward my ear "The mop and broom are in the hall closet honey." Then she walks upstairs and I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket I pull it out and there is a text from Brian saying that there is a party on Saturday night and I could bring Vanessa and Mallory with me I text back and let him know we will be there.

Author's Note: So for the people who are  reading this I hope you really like it, and there will be drama in chapter 10 but don't hate me for what happens

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