Chapter 23

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Kevin's POV

Even though we have only known for a few days I'm doing everything I can to help out, plus I have bought a few more baby things, so far I have bought a changing table, a play pen, and boxes of wipes and new born size diapers. I get a baby bath tub out of the back of my car and walk in the house and set it down to shut the door behind me, I turn around and pick the tub up and walk upstairs and into the room that would eventually be the nursery for the baby.

Vanessa's POV

I walk in the spare bedroom that Kevin has decided to turn into the nursery I'm happy and I'm glad he is too and I stop when I see what is in the room now. I see boxes of diapers and wipes, a play pen, a changing table, packages of one piece outfits, a night light that has already been plugged in and I see him sit a baby tub down in the floor "Um Kevin what's all of this?" He turns around and looks at me "It's stuff for the baby I figured we could go ahead and get started with a few things." "Kevin we haven't even had our first appointment yet don't you think it's a little early to be buying all of this we don't even know what we are having yet." "It doesn't hurt to be prepared and when do we have our first appointment?" "We go see the doctor on Monday, but have fun decorating things." I leave Kevin to do whatever he wants with the small baby store he already has in the room.

Kevin's POV

I know I might be getting a little ahead of myself, but I really want to be a good dad plus by shopping now we won't have to hurry and rush and just buy a bunch of random things later on in the future. I pull things out of their boxes, packaging and wrapping, I look at all of the parts of the changing table that are thrown across the floor and I start putting it together, once it is finished and actually looks like a changing table I move it across the room and put it against the wall. I go ahead and put diapers and wipes in it then put the remaining boxes in the closet and I look over at the room with the big empty space that is going to hold the crib I could ask if we could go crib shopping today. I walk out of the room in search of Vanessa.

Vanessa's POV

I'm sitting in the kitchen on my laptop planning and making the travel arrangements for when we go visit Kevin's family for Christmas as I'm looking at different sites and pages Kevin walks in and stands in front of me I look up at him "How did it go?" "The changing table is all set up and I put a few things in the closet. "Good." I go back to looking at the multiple tabs I have opened in front of me "How about we go crib shopping today? "Don't you think we should wait a little longer to see what we are having first?" "We could get a white one or a wooden that way it will fit a boy or a girl." I look at him "Do you really want to go crib shopping?" "We don't have any other plans today and we could sit the crib up together?" "Okay, Okay we can go crib shopping." He walks in the living room to get his phone and keys and we both walk outside and get in the car to go to the baby store for a crib.

Mallory's POV

I'm walking through the house making sure there is nothing else to clean before Grant gets here. I do one more walk through to make sure I have nothing embarrassing out where he could see it; I look down at the shorts and shirt that I'm wearing hoping that this will be okay for a movie night. I hear a knock on the door and I walk over and open it and Grant is standing there with a pizza in one hand with a DVD on top of it. "Come on in." He walks in and I shut the door behind and we walk in the living room together. He sits the pizza down on the table and turns around "So I brought a movie with me because I love this movie." "Exactly what movie is it?" He holds up the DVD and it's the special Edition of Grease "I love Grease."

Grant's POV

I put in the DVD and start the movie and we are sitting on the couch eating pizza and the first song starts, and when the summer nights start we both start singing. Through the whole movie we take turns singing, and laughing at each other after the movie ends and the pizza is gone I look at her and she has fallen asleep at the end of the couch. I pick up a blanket and lay it over her and I leave her a note saying that I will call her or text in the morning and before I leave I kiss her head then walk out of the house shutting her door behind me and I get in my car with a smile on my face.

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