Chapter 75

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Kevin's POV

Vanessa was now Seven months pregnant and I haven't told her my decision because now I was starting to question it I wanted to be here with Vanessa and our baby girl but at the same time I loved the music, the guys were my brothers and our fans and the love they had for us was amazing and I was kind of scared to give that up it had been such a big part of my life I didn't know what I would do without it. The nursery I had been working on for so long was now filled with all type of dresses and pink things but every day I was getting more excited about meeting my daughter the only thing I was dreading now was Vanessa's baby shower I heard those things could get pretty crazy and sometimes bad things would happen to dads during the games that were played I needed to get it together and tell Vanessa that I was thinking about taking time off and I needed to do it before the two months passed.

Grant's POV

I wake up and look over at her sleeping next to me hoping that this morning she would be able to sleep in because her morning sickness has been constant and I know that the baby is taking a toll on her even though she is only four months pregnant she has been sleeping more too but we were both happy. We had talked about it a few times and we both want a boy it didn't long for us to come up with a name because she already had one in mind and I got choked up a bit when she suggested "Christopher Grant Gustin. I was shocked that she would want to name the baby after me and I have asked her multiple times if she was positive and she would always reply with the same thing "Yes warbler I'm sure I want to name him after you." I would be thrilled to have a son first but if we had a girl I would be okay with that too. I reach over and put my hand on her stomach she had a bump now it was small but it was definitely there as I'm running my hand over it I feel something weird it's a type of movement I look up to see if Mallory is still asleep and she is when I feel it again I realize that the baby is kicking. I smile and start quietly carrying on a question and the first thing I do is introduce myself "Hey there little warbler it's me I'm your dad.

Mallory's POV

I feel the movement but I don't open my eyes I can feel our baby kick and then I hear his voice; Grant's voice one of the first things I hear in the morning and the last thing I hear at night. He is having a conversation with the baby I can already tell that Grant is going to be a great dad but I'm not looking forward to being out of our tiny little bubble where the only people who know I'm pregnant are the two of us, Kevin and Vanessa and Nick when his family and a bunch of others found out I wouldn't be left alone, Vanessa was bombarded by fans and questions about the baby when her and Kevin went out I was not looking forward to that. I yawn then let out a groan and slowly stretch lifting up one hand and start running it through Grant's hair he looks up at me "Hey babe." "Morning Warbler." "I love you babe." I smile as I look up at him then he leans down and kisses me I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck.

Author's Note: The picture is of Mallory's Baby Bump :)

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