Chapter 56

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Vanessa's POV

Kevin had been acting strange for a few weeks now, and now he was being a serious non joking Kevin, I knew there were moments he had to be serious but most of the time around me he was cracking jokes but right now there was no smile on his face and he was being dead serious I look at him and reach over and hold his hand "What is it Kevin?"

Kevin's POV

This was it, now was the time to tell her what I had been thinking about for the past few weeks I take a deep breath then slowly let it out and run my hands through my hair. "I've been thinking about taking some time off for a while after you have the baby I'm ready for a break and I need to be a normal guy for a while." "You love singing and you love the group Kevin you don't have to do this." I knew she would say that. She wouldn't want me to do this and she wouldn't say anything bad about it either but I knew there were times while I was out on the road that she would get lonely and miss me just as much as I missed her if not more.

Vanessa's POBI didn't know this was coming and it was shocking he didn't have to do this for me or the baby but if wanted to I wouldn't stop him I really think he should think about this some more before he decides to make it know or before he tells the guys. He loved singing and the music but most of all he loved all of them. I lean forward and start running my hands through his hair and down the back of his neck "I really think you should think about this some more before you make your decision Kev." He looks up at me "Don't you want me here with you and the baby?" "I do want you here more than anything Kev but the music is important to, you love to sing and you love the guys so you should think about this some more." He looks at me "I love you." "I know and I love you too Kev but think about this some more please."

Mallory's POV

I'm on my couch watching Ghost Adventures I love Zak Bagans not even going to try and hide it, he was one of the reasons Vanessa and I became friends in the first place; I hear a knock on my door I throw my head back and groan then pause the TV so I don't miss anything I get up and walk over to the door and see Grant standing there when he looks at me he smiles at me. "Hey warbler miss me already?" "Can't live without you babe." "Come on in." Grant follows me in the house I walk back over to the couch and push play and go back to watching Ghost Adventures, I feel Grant's hand start rubbing my thigh I glance over at him but my eyes never leave the screen. "What is this show babe?" "Ghost Adventures." He gives up on conversation but keeps touching me and trying to get my attention.

Grant's POV

I roll my eyes when I get nowhere and I see that she is absorbed in the show I don't understand her fascination with the show, I look over at her "Why do you like this show babe?" "Zak Bagans." She points at the guy as he appears on the screen he has black hair, and according to her the way she described his eyes are icy blue I look at the guy and his arms are like twice the size of mine and I feel a little jealous that she is giving him more attention than me finally when the show ends I take the remote from her and turn off the TV. I look at her and she has an amused look on her face I cross my arms in front of my chest and try to keep from looking at her.

Mallory's POV

I smile to myself and pull Grant down to where he is laying on the couch, I crawl to where I'm sitting on top of him and he looks up at me I lean down and start kissing down his neck and he tilts his head back and lets out a moan and I know that he isn't mad because of the Ghost Adventures thing I look down at him and start running my hands through his hair "I love you warbler." He smiles and wraps his arms around me "I love you too babe." Then I feel him put one hand on the back of my neck as he pulls me down to him then he kisses me, I kiss back then lay my head on his chest.

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