Chapter 49

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Mallory's POV

After spending two weeks away from home I was ready to be in my house in my own bed I had a good time spending time with Grant's family and getting to know them maybe one day we would go back there again and if we were meant to be we would go back together one day with our kids traveling with us. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel Grant's hand rubbing my leg I look away from the window and look over at him "You're quiet babe." "Just thinking about the past two weeks I had a really good time with your family." He smiles then holds my hand "My family loved you babe just like I said they would." He stops the car in front of my house "I'll see you soon warbler," "Yeah I'll see you soon babe." He leans forward and kisses me I kiss back then get out and get my bags then walk in the house.

Grant's POV

I get to my house and get out and grab my bags from the back seat I walk on the porch and get my keys out only to discover that my front door is already unlocked I turn the knob and walk in the house then kick the door shut behind me. I drop my bags in the floor. I start walking through the house and end up in my bedroom when I walk in I stop my ex-girlfriend is standing in the middle of the room wearing something that be described with words such as transparent, non-existent and many other words my throat goes dry and I stop thinking I walk in the room. She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck while she kisses me, I kiss back and run my hands down her back and start moving us back toward the bed when she falls back on the bed I start kissing her and tearing at the fabric.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa and I are at a club and I'm standing at the bar when this young read head walks up next to me and orders a drink I walk over and stand next to her "Hi I'm Kevin." She looks at me and runs her eyes over me and I'm doing the same thing to her she smiles at me "I'm Carly." I move a little closer to her and my fingers end up brushing against her arm we stay like this and continue talking for a while until I hear a voice behind me "I think it's time to go home now Kev."

Vanessa's POV

The ride home is silent, Kevin doesn't even attempt to apologize or make some lame excuse and I am so mad that I don't know what to say right now, He has never done anything like this before and I wonder what made him act like this or if this had been coming the whole time and that he had finally gotten tired of being with me, I look down at the necklace he had bought me only days ago and then my eyes wander down to my hand where my engagement ring and wedding band sit and I fold my hands together then put them in my lap and start looking out the window.

Kevin's POV

We walk in the house and I shut the door behind me and Vanessa turns around and looks at me "Why did you do it?" "I don't know why you're getting so mad about this Vanessa it isn't like I cheated on you." "You were flirting with some girl at a bar how am I supposed to feel." "I can have any girl in the world but I picked you so you're pretty lucky." The tears start forming and running down her face "What's wrong with you Kev why are you acting like this?" I'm too mad at this point to even care about what happens next "Maybe my problem is the fact that I married a selfish spoiled brat like you." She gasp then reaches up to her neck and gives the necklace a tug and it comes off then she puts it in my hand "Leave Kevin." I walk over to the door and walk out of the house slamming the door behind me with her necklace still in my hand I get in my car and leave.

Mallory's POV

I walk all over the house and realize that I must have left my sunglasses in Grant's car I pull out my keys and walk out to my car and drive over to his house I get out and try the door to see that it is unlocked I walk upstairs and stop at what's in front of me Grant is in bed with another girl he looks up and sees me I turn around and walk out of his house only to hear footsteps scrambling behind me I walk outside and get in the car and go back home. By the time I reach my house I have tears running down my face I stop the car and get out only to see someone sitting on the porch I walk over and see that it is Kevin "Look now isn't a good time right now." "I need a place to stay Vanessa and I had a fight I did something bad." I laugh dryly "Well then you are on a role because Grant cheated on me." I walk in the house and Kevin follows behind me and I shut the door. When we get inside he walks over and sits on the couch I don't even look at him all I mumble is "Blankets are in the hall closet." I walk upstairs past my room to go sleep in the spare bedroom tonight if I can sleep at all.

Author's Note: Really sorry to have to do this on Christmas but there hasn't been anything big in a while so I hope you all enjoy this and Merry Christmas to all of my readers

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