Chapter 10

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Kevin's POV

It's Saturday the night of the party and I was more than ready to have some fun and so were the two girls going with me, to the public and in front of strangers you would think they were saints but I knew the difference I was married to one of them and I knew exactly what happened when you got Mallory drunk Vanessa and I had took her out for her twenty first birthday to go drinking for the first time and Vanessa was there with her first hangover I would have been but I kept making jokes and making fun of her. The front door opens and in walks Mallory, she does that a lot we should have never told her where the spare key was hidden then Vanessa walks down stairs and we are all ready to go to the party. When we get there and walk in I can feel the vibrations of the music through the floor I look to one side and see Mallory has already found the bar so Vanessa and I go to find the rest of the guys.

Vanessa's POV

As the party goes on and the hours fly by I start looking for Kevin, I see him across the room talking to Nick and AJ I walk over and he wraps his arm around my waist I look up at him "I think I'm going to go home early." He looks down at me "Do you want me to go home with you?" "No you stay here and have fun I'll see you when you come home I kiss his cheek then walk out of the house ready to take off these killer shoes and get in my bed.

Kevin's POV

It's late I look down at my watch and see that is three in the morning and there are still a lot of people at the party and I have had more than a few drinks I can actually say I'm way past drunk I stumble across the room and find Mallory who is sitting at a table throwing back a shot I start walking over to her and she looks up at me "Kevin nice to see you." I walk over "So how many of those have you had?" She looks up at the ceiling trying to count but she fails "I have no idea I stopped counting hours ago." We both find this funnier than what it actually is and we end up propping on each other. I look at her for a minute and she exhales and I feel her breath against my lips and I lean toward her then kiss her, she is stunned then she kisses me back and I feel her arms go around my neck then her hands are in my hair.

Vanessa's POV

 wake up the next morning and look over to see that Kevin didn't ever come to bed, I lean over and start checking my phone only to see pictures of the party after I had left see one picture that looks like Kevin, I make it bigger and it is of Kevin and he is kissing one of my closest friends I get out of bed and storm downstairs to see him passed out on the couch asleep, I pick up a magazine and start hitting him with it, he sits up and rubs his eyes. "Ness what is wrong with you?" "You kissed her!!" I shout at him he looks confused and then I see the recognition cross his face and he knows what I'm talking about he stands up and reaches for me. "Vanessa I... I'm so sorry." "Get away from me I push him out of my way and walk back upstairs to our bedroom and dial her number.

Mallory's POV

I hear my phone ringing and as I sit up to get it I groan and start thinking I have really got to stop drinking, I answer the phone only to be shouted at "You kissed him, how could you do that!?" "Vanessa what are you talking about who did I kiss?" "You kissed Kevin there are pictures everywhere." The memories start flooding back and I remember the feel of his lips on mine and my hands in his hair. "Vanessa I'm sorry." "Yeah both of you have said that so far I think it should be awhile before we hang out again." The next thing I hear is a click and I lie back in bed and decide that today is a good day to just stay in it.

Kevin's POV

Kevin's POV

I walk upstairs and knock on our door when I'm greeted by silence I open the door and she is curled up in a ball under the blankets, I walk over and sit on the bed "Can we talk about this please?" "I don't want to see you right now and I think that you should sleep on the couch again tonight or maybe in one of the other bedrooms." I nod my head then walk out of the room only to slide down the floor and lean my head back against the wall, I knew this was one drunken mistake I was going to pay for.

Author's Note: Alrighty guys that was part 10 hope

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