Chapter 50

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Kevin's POV

I'm on her couch and I can Mallory's soft sobbing from upstairs and I'm angry at myself for what I did to Vanessa hours ago and now I'm angry at Grant as well I get off the couch and walk out of her house with one destination on my mind, I get in my car and drive over to Grant's house when I get out of the car I walk over and knock on his door when he opens it I storm in his house. As soon as he shuts the door I turn around and connect my fist with his face he doesn't expect it so he is knocked back a few feet. I continue my assault throwing punches at him everywhere I can reach and I know that when this is over he will definitely have some more than bruises by the time I'm finished when my anger has dwindled and I am satisfied I leave him lying in the floor and get ready to go back to where I'm staying for the night.

Mallory's POV

I hear noises from the kitchen I get up out of bed and walk in the kitchen and see Kevin putting ice in a towel then he wraps his hand in it "What did you do?" He jumps when he hears me "I took care of Grant for you." This makes me panic "Oh God you killed Grant why would you do something like that?" "I didn't kill him but I did beat the crap out of him for you and someone had to do it I was serious when I said you were family too." I shake my head "You're such an idiot but thank you for what you did." I walk over then give him a short hug then pull away from him "Now tell me what happened between you and Vanessa."

Kevin's POV

I take a deep breath and run my hand through my hair and begin telling her everything that happened hours earlier between Vanessa and I when I'm finished all she is doing is looking at me "I think you should go back home and talk to her Kev and let her know how sorry you are for what happened." I look at her and I feel bad because she is listening to me explain about a fight when she had been cheated on. "Yeah you're right." We are both caught off guard by a loud clap of thunder and a flash of lightning the lights up the room. Mallory stands up "I mean it Kev you should go talk to her." I get up and start to walk out of the house but turn back then give her a hug "Thank you and I'm sorry for what happened." I walk out of the house and get in my car and start driving back home to think of things to say that might make things better between the two of us.

Mallory's POV

After Kevin leaves I walk over to the couch then curl up in a ball on it and let the tears fall I thought he was different and I really wanted him to be the one and only a few days before he had told me he loved me. I didn't know what I was going to do next or where I was going to go from here I sit alone with my thoughts taking in the storm and just when I finally start to doze off my phone starts vibrating I reach over to see who it is when I see that Grant is calling I turn it off and put it back on the table.

Kevin's POV

When I walk up to our door I fumble with my keys a bit before I'm able to open the door I walk in and softly shut the door I walk past the kitchen and living room to go upstairs. When I get to our room I stop because she's curled up in a ball under the covers I walk in the room and walk over to her side of the bed and sit down and she must have heard me because she rolls over and looks at me "I thought you left." "I want to talk." "There's nothing to talk about Kevin." She goes to roll over and I put my hand on her side "Don't touch me." I have never heard her have so much venom in her voice toward anyone let alone me I move my hand away from her. "I'm so sorry for what happened earlier not only for what I did at the club but for everything I said to you I didn't mean it I'm the one who is lucky to have you and you are everything but selfish you have no idea how much you mean to me." She sighs then rolls over and looks at me "I'm really sorry for what happened earlier and it isn't going to happen again, I had a bad day and I shouldn't have taken that out on you." I pull the necklace out of my pocket and look down at it then hold it out to her; she sits up then takes it from me.

Vanessa's POV

I take the necklace from Kevin then look at him I knew I couldn't stay mad at him and he hardly ever lost his temper or acted like that and I don't know what I would do without him and I could tell what happened between us earlier had really bothered him and I knew he wouldn't do something like this again I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck and run my hands through his hair and he wraps his arms around me then looks at me "Does this mean you forgive me?" "Yeah I forgive you." He smiles at me then kisses me and curls up next to me and pulls me in his arms I look down at his hands and notice they are all bruised and bloody "What happened to your hand?" "Yeah there is something I need to tell you." I look up at Kevin and he has this look on his face and I can tell this isn't going to be good "I beat the crap out of Grant." I sit up and look over at him "Why did you do that, does Mal know you beat up her boyfriend?" "That's the other thing he isn't her boyfriend anymore because he cheated on her." "He did what?!?!" I shriek and I see Kevin wince then he starts trying to calm me down "Ness you need to calm down this isn't good for the baby remember?" I shrug away from him and start thinking to myself I can't believe he would cheat on her.

Author's Note: In Honor of today being Christmas I decided to do three chapters today.

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