Chapter 77

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Kevin's POV

I take a deep breath and let it out this was it I had to tell her today I had finally made my decision after months of thinking about it I knew what I was going to do, she walks in the kitchen and fixes something to eat then sits down in front of me I run my hands through my hair "Ness we need to talk about something because I've made up my mind about what I'm going to do." My heart starts pounding and I take another shaky breath as I look at her sitting in front of me.

Vanessa's POV

"Kev you still have some time to think about this you don't have to rush this." This was going to be a big decision for him and whichever one he picked I would support him I knew he loved me and the baby and that he wanted to be with us but at the same time even though he may not admit it he loved the music too and it was important to him, it wouldn't be easy for him to walk away for a long period of time and I could tell this was hard for him but I wanted him to do what he felt like he should do without any influence from me. He lets out a breath "I'm going to stay with the group a little longer." I wasn't angry or upset I was happy for him and we could still make it work during the times he was gone. "That's good Kev." He looks up at me "You aren't mad?" I shake my head "No I'm not mad we can make it work Kev I know it."

Grant's POV

We haven't told my family about the baby yet and so far I didn't know anything about Mallory's family she never talked about them she had told me that she was from Tennessee and I knew a lot of other things about her as well I wondered why she didn't talk about them, and I didn't know if now would be a good time to ask her since she was pregnant because I really didn't want to upset her but if she wanted me to know then I figured she would tell me I walk in the kitchen and see her sitting at the table with a plate of French fries in front of her I walk over and grab one of the plate and sit down "A little early for fries isn't it?" She shrugs her shoulders "Blame the baby not me." "How is the baby today?" She places on hand on the bump and looks up at me "I think he is going to take after you with the way he is kicking it feels like he is tap dancing." "Babe we still don't know that he is a boy you could have a girl." "I'm pretty sure he is a boy or I have a feeling he is." "Do you still want to name him after me?" She nods her head then I walk over and kiss her.

Kevin's POV

I told her my decision and she was okay with it we were going to be part of the music thing for a little longer but I was still going to do whatever I could to be there for her and the baby we only had two months to go and for now the guys and I didn't have anything coming up anytime soon so I would get to spend time with them and I would get to be there to see our baby girl be born now that we were close the weeks and months seemed to be going by so slowly and I was ready to meet my daughter my little princess it would be nice to know the name Vanessa has come up with but she said she won't tell me until the baby is born and it drives me crazy what if it is some off the wall crazy name or some sort of mythical or mystical name like Topaz or something I hated not knowing.

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