Chapter 70

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Mallory's POV

After Nick leaves I call and make an appointment at the doctor to confirm it just in case all four test were possibly wrong but I doubt it for now the constant throwing up has stopped, I take a hot shower then get dressed and walk outside to my car with Hades following every step I turn around and look at him "Stay go back on the porch." He looks up at me and whines "I'll be back soon and I'm bringing your cousin Blade to see you." He walks over to the porch and lays down and I get in my car and drive over to Vanessa's house. When I get there I get out and walk in and I'm greeted by a happy squirming Blade "Hey there cutie." He starts yapping and running around my feet I walk over and grab his things then pick him up and put him in the back seat of my car letting out a deep sigh because there are now going to be three dogs in my house while Grant was gone.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa and I are walking outside and I keep looking over at her "Are you sure you can't tell me what's going on?" "Look I promised Mallory that I wouldn't say anything so if you want to know you can call and ask her or wait until we get back home." "If I guess would it count as you telling me?" "She didn't say but I'm still not going to tell you." I sigh then run my hands through my hair. "Is she still sick?" "Yeah Kev." Then it dawns me because I remember when Vanessa was as sick as Mallory and what they lead to I look over at Vanessa "She's pregnant." Vanessa lets out a gasp and I know I'm right "Has she told Grant yet?" She lets out a sigh "No she hasn't told Grant yet." "Is she going to?" Vanessa looks over at me "She's going to tell him when he comes back."

Grant's POV

When my part of the day is done I pull out my phone as I'm on my way to where I'm staying and when I call her she answers and sounds a little better this time "Hey babe how are you feeling?" "I'm a little better but I have a surprise for you when you come home." A smile forms on my face as I start thinking of things that it could be my mind going from innocent to some not so innocent thoughts in less than a few seconds. "I really wish I could see you babe I need you." She lets out a laugh "I wish I could see you too warbler." I let out a quiet moan on my side of the phone because it drives me crazy when she calls me that then she lowers her voice to barely a whisper but I'm still able to hear what she is saying "I wish you were right now warbler." My breathing gets hard as I let out another moan "Babe you know exactly what you are doing to me." "Yes warbler I do and I really like what I'm doing to you." "Oh babe you're so going to get it when I come home." "I'm counting on it warbler love you." Then I hear the click as she hangs up on me and I shake my head then put my phone in my pocket.

Mallory's POV

I hang up then let out a deep sigh I didn't know how Grant would react when he found out I was pregnant I wanted him to take it well but there was that part of me that was thinking about the worse part he could get mad or he may not even be ready and there was a possibility that he might even leave me and I would have to go through this and raise our baby alone. I didn't think he was the type of guy who would do that, I hoped this wouldn't change anything between the two of us and that we would still be together and that we could be a family. My hand slowly makes its way to my stomach I look down and it hits me I was going to be a mommy and I started thinking of what the baby might look like, would it look more like me or more like Grant or would there be an even mix between the two of us. I smile when I start thinking a boy or girl I look down at my stomach "Hey there I'm mommy you were quiet the surprise weren't you I hope your daddy will be happy when he finds out about you."

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