Chapter 71

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Nick's POV

It had been a few days and I didn't think I would hear from Mallory again but I ended up getting a call from her and I wondered how she got my number Vanessa must have gave it to her or something I look down at my phone and answer it "Hey how is your um thing going?" I then face palm really how is your thing going She laughs on the other end of the phone "I'm pregnant you can say it I have a doctor's appointment today and I was wondering you would go with me?" Why was she asking me to go with her? "Um yeah I'll go with you." "Thanks you can come meet me at my house." I hang up then get my things together and walk outside to my car and drive over to her house filled with questions.

Mallory's POV

The first part of the drive to the doctor is kind of awkward because Nick really isn't saying much I look over at him and see him rubbing the back of his neck "Is everything okay?" He lets out a breath then looks at me "Can I ask you a few questions?" "Sure go ahead?" "Um is the dad you know involved?" "He doesn't know yet I haven't told him plus he won't be back for another few weeks." "So you are seeing someone?" "Yeah his name is Grant Gustin." The Nick makes a face "Oh that Glee guy one more question and I will leave you alone." "Better make it count then." "Why did you ask me to come with you?" "Grant is out of town and so is Vanessa and I really didn't want to go through this first appointment by myself I'm scared." "Oh okay." I look over at the blonde backstreet boy sitting next to me and wonder why he thought I brought him with me "I should have called somebody else but they are out of town and you are the only other person who knows about this and I'm scared."

Grant's POV

I had been gone for a week now and over the past few days when I would call to see how things were going Mal was sounding a little better each day and I was relieved she had also told me that Blade was staying at the house with Hades and Jett while Kevin and Vanessa were away. I was a little concerned since both dogs were bigger than Jett but she assured me that I had nothing to worry about because Blade and Jett had teamed up on Hades and would bother him every chance they got and Mal had started letting him roam outside during the day so he could get away from his tiny tormenters. I laughed when she told me that but there was also a tiny pain I missed being home and I missed her. I was barely able to sleep at night because she wasn't in my arms when I went to sleep or woke up. I let out a sigh and run my hands through my hair knowing that later before I had to go on set it would have to be fixed. I let out a sigh as I walk over and find an empty chair out of the way and kind of away from all the people and every day I would keep asking for hints about that surprise but she still wasn't telling me anything.

Vanessa's POV

Kevin and I had been here for a week and so far everything had been going pretty good except for today. I woke up this morning craving pancakes and there wasn't any batter in the house and when Kevin went to the store to get some for me they were all out I kept calm and didn't say anything. Then from there the day just kept going downhill Kevin's brothers paid a visit and they annoyed me and made all kinds of jokes plus they would make comments about mine and Kevin's sex life and about me being pregnant did Kevin say anything to them no he didn't and once again I don't say anything now it's late in the afternoon and I'm in bed trying to rest and get comfortable because my back is killing me and I'm exhausted my back is turned toward the door and I hear Kevin walk in and I hope he will see I'm trying to sleep but no. He gets in bed and starts running his hands down my arms and over my stomach then I feel his lips working down my neck and shoulders. I roll over and look at him "Not happening." "Why not?" "You didn't say anything to your brothers earlier today and I'm tired my back is killing me can you not see I'm trying to get some rest." He pulls his hand away and his face changes and I realize I've upset him. "I'm sorry Kev I didn't mean it it's just mood swings and everything else." He smiles at me then wraps his arms around me "I know and I can't thank you enough for doing this for nine months but it will be worth it when we get to meet our little girl." I lay my head on his chest and he starts humming a tune to me and I know that even with days like this Kevin was right.

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