Chapter 35

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Kevin's POV

After spending most of the morning in bed and then having a lazy day, Ness and I are curled up together on the couch and I realize how long it has been since the two of us had done this and once the baby got here we wouldn't be able to do this a lot but we would be a family. I was excited that I was finally going to be a dad. I kind of wanted us to be having a boy, even though I kept saying as long as we had a healthy baby that was all that mattered that was the main thing but I was secretly hoping for a boy to wear Kentucky blue with me during game seasons.

Mallory's POV

Grant and I are sitting on his couch watching another movie and I'm lying on the couch with my head in his lap and I jump a little bit when I feel him running his fingers through my hair I lean my head back and look up at him he looks down at me and keeps running his hand through my hair, then I feel his fingers move across my jaw and then he runs them down my neck and across my collarbone and I let out a yawn "Tired babe?" I nod my head and he stands up I stand up and stretch as well. "I have a shirt and some shorts for you to sleep in." We walk in his room and he gives the clothes I walk in the bathroom and change then come back out and we get in the bed. He gets on one side and I'm on the other but he rolls over and looks at me "You can get closer if you want to." I move over and curl up against him and lay my head on his chest then he wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Grant's POV

When I wake up the next morning I look down and see that she is curled up under the covers and against me I sit up and run my hand through my hair. I get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen yesterday was fun and having her stay the night was good too I wanted to ask her if she would be my girlfriend but I still wasn't sure if this was the right time. A little while later I hear her walk downstairs in the clothes she had on yesterday I look up at her as she walks in the room "How did you sleep?" "Great I really like your bed and thanks for the trip to the zoo." "Yesterday was fun." She looks at me "Yeah it was I had a good time with you." Later on after she has gotten all of her things and I take her back home we are sitting in her driveway and I look over at her "I'll call you later." "See you soon warbler." Before she gets out of the car she leans toward me and kisses me I kiss her back then run one of my hands down her side and put it on her waist. I watch her walk in the house I take a deep breath and sigh. I definitely had feelings for her and I hoped that she felt the same way about me that I felt about her.

Mallory's POV

As soon as I walk in the house I'm greeted by my phone I walk over and answer it "Hello?" "Where have you been all morning I have been calling you forever." "I stayed at Grant's house last night and I just got home." Vanessa goes silent and I look at the phone "Are you still there?" "You have got to tell me everything did you do anything, what all happened you can tell me when we go dress shopping today." "Okay I'll be over there soon and I will tell you all about it." I hear the click as Vanessa hangs up I groan and lay my head against the wall and I could barely contain my excitement that we are going prom dress shopping.

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