Chapter 46

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Vanessa's POV

Kevin and I are sitting in the kitchen when Mal walks in the house wearing pink and she's humming as well she looks over at the two of us "Good morning beautiful people it's a beautiful day isn't it, the birds are singing and the sun is shining. I look at Kevin who looks back at me then we both look back at her Kev clears his throat "I'm asking because I'm concerned but are you okay?" She walks over and sits down in front of us "I'm great." "You slept with Grant didn't you?" She starts blushing and a huge smile appears on her face then she looks down at the table. Kevin starts laughing "So how was he?" "He's amazing and his stamina is great to he can go for hours." "I really don't want to know that but thanks for sharing." I look over at her "If he is so great why aren't the two of you still going at it like rabbits?" "He had to leave so he can pack for our trip in a few days." "Yeah how do you feel about meeting his family?" "I'm really nervous and I'm afraid they may not like me." Kev gets up and walks over to the sink and puts his plate in "Since you are worried I will be nice this time I'm sure his parents will like you." "That helps a lot Kevin thanks for the confidence boost." "You're welcome." "Well I better go, things to do and people to see." She gets up and walks out of the house.

Kevin's POV

I shake my head as she walks out of the house, Mal was Vanessa's best friend and in a way she was the sister I never asked for or wanted but she was kind of fun to have around and I know that most of the time we would joke around or be sarcastic toward each other but if she ever needed anything I would be there for her just like I would be there for my brothers, I hoped she knew that the joking and being sarcastic was just fun for me and I never meant anything by it because Vanessa would kill me if I ever said something that would hurt her feelings. I walk over to Vanessa and wrap my arms around her waist and she looks up at me "Kev." I make a low humming noise in my throat "My parents are leaving today." "Really?" "Yeah they are packing right now." "It would be rude if I didn't go help them." I run out of the room and go upstairs because the sooner I helped them pack the sooner they would be out of here."

Vanessa's POV

I move my hand down to my stomach when I feel the kick I start rubbing it and start having a conversation with the baby "Yeah mommy thinks daddy is pretty crazy too." I feel another kick and I walk over and sit down on the couch "He has your room all sit up you know and he is really looking forward to meeting you I am too but I am kind of hoping you are going to look like him instead of me." I sit and enjoy our mommy and baby moment every time I say something I'm rewarded with a kick or a little movement.

Kevin's POV

After lots of hugging, talking and asking us to visit them her parents finally leave I walk over and sit on the couch next to Vanessa and she looks up at me "How's the baby today?" She smiles "Moving a lot we had a nice little conversation about you and we decided that you are a little crazy. "Turning my own baby against me already huh?" "Well if we are having a girl she will be on my side anyway." I lean forward and look at her and take her in. If anything ever happened to her I would never move on and find someone else because she was the one for me. I reach over and hold her hand "You know we still need to let a few other people know." She sits up and looks over at me "How do you think we should tell the rest of the group about the baby?" "You could bake another cake and we could have the boys over." I laugh "If you keep eating cake you will be bigger than me." "Nah I've got abs of steel." "You know we could just buy them all shirts and have them open it here." "That idea works to." She laughs then starts drawing shapes on my hands.

Mallory's POV

I'm stretched out on the couch and instead of Hades being stretched out on me there is a heavier weight on top of me this time Grant is on top of me and we are watching TV and I'm running my hands through his hair and up and down the back of his neck his breathing is getting slower and even and I can barely keep my eyes open as well and when he gets quiet and his breathing slows to a slower and even peace I know he has fell asleep I keep running my hands through his hair and let out a yawn and I curl up with him as best as I can and I end up falling asleep wrapped up with Grant.

Author's Note: Surprise double the chapters today and in the chapters ahead there is going to be some drama coming up soon between one of these couples.

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