Chapter 25

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Vanessa's POV

I'm bored out of my mind, Kevin and I have been stuck in the room waiting on the doctor for over thirty minutes why can't the doctor hurry up and get back here? I have better things to do number one I have really really got to pee, for something so small the baby already enjoys pressing on my bladder and I can tell in the nine months ahead we are going to have a lot of fun together. Second I'm starving when we were on our way here we passed a burger place and I can't wait until we go back I have got to have some fries and a really big greasy cheeseburger sounds good too. I might have Kevin get me a milkshake too I haven't had one in forever.

Kevin's POV

I look over at Vanessa and she has a dreamy look on her face "What's on your mind?" She looks up at me "Fries, a really big greasy cheeseburger and a large Milkshake." A small smile crosses my face and I know the little one is doing their job, I lean my head back against the wall and I'm startled when the doctor walks in and right away I don't like it. This guy is pretty young but he's built he has green eyes and brown hair. I sit up straight and shoot him a look. "Hello I'm Dr.Hunter." I roll my eyes and get up and walk over and stand by Vanessa. I know I should be paying attention to what he is saying about Vanessa and the baby but I just watch his hands and where he puts them I really don't like what he is doing. The appointment flies by and later on Vanessa is waving her hand in front of my face. "Kevin the doctor said we could leave now." I shake my head and help her down off the examining table. While we are walking out of the doctor's office I look over at her "I think you should get another doctor." "Why what's wrong with him he's nice?" "He's a guy." "Kev he sees pregnant women every day I'm pretty sure he can keep his work away from his personal life not every woman can have a woman doctor." I nod my head and we keep walking. She reaches over and holds my hand. "Can you believe the baby is the size of a pea right now that's so cute?" I laugh and all my thoughts about not liking her doctor disappear.

Mallory's POV

I'm standing in my room looking out at the brightly lit strip, when I hear my phone ringing on the bed I walk over and look down and Vanessa is already calling to check up on me. I answer the phone "Hello?" Where are you?" I look out the window of my room "I'm in Vegas right now." "You're in Vegas?" "Yeah I am." "How's the hotel?" "It's really nice it's one of the best in town I'm not far from all the casinos and things how did the doctor's appointment go?" "It went great Kev hates the doctor though you were right according to the doctor I'm close to six weeks and the baby is the size of the pea." "Sounds cute already I can't wait to meet the kid." "So you will be back by then?" "Yeah I'll be back by then." "Look Mal I don't really know why you needed time or why you just took off but be safe okay?" "Don't worry about me just worry about the baby I'll be fine." "Have fun in Vegas and win some money for me." "Will do Vanessa." We both hang up and I walk back over to the window, and I see the cars, the people and all of the casinos I take a deep breath and lay my head against the window.

Vanessa's POV

I lay my phone down on the table and start looking through the cabinets and the refrigerator in search of something to eat, Kevin walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "What are you looking for?" "I think I want some cookies but we don't have any." "Would you like me to go to the store and get you some cookies?" I turn around and look up at him "Please." "What kind would you like?" I think about it for a minute "Get some chocolate chip cookies." "So I know that you called her where is she today?" "She's in Vegas." "She's in Sin City." I roll my eyes and he walks out of the house to go buy my cookies.

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