Chapter 57

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Grant's POV

I was running out of time, I had to be on the set in three weeks and I still haven't told her I was going to be gone for two or three weeks, I guess I keep putting off telling her because I wanted to be with her and stay in what we have created always coming and going to each other's houses whenever we wanted and at night I always had her in my arms, we hadn't spent a night apart since the whole cheating disaster but I was pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to sleep without her I let out a sigh and run my hands through my hair and walk in her kitchen leaving her sleeping on the couch. I sit down at the table and start thinking to myself what would be the best way to tell her.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa was right I really did need to think about this, I did love the music and the group and our fans are amazing. I loved Vanessa too though and in another few months she would be having the baby and we would be parents and I wanted to be there for every single moment, I hated the idea of missing anything, first word, first steps or even a birthday party just thinking of it made me feel awful I didn't know what I was going to do but I would keep what she said in mind because I also don't know how long it will take me to make the right decision whichever on that might be I roll my neck and reach behind me trying to rub a spot between my shoulders but give up when I can't reach it I walk over and sit on the couch and sit in silence as I think about what I should do.

Mallory's POV

I'm walking through the mall with Vanessa and once again she has dragged me in store after store, we are both looking through different clothes when she looks at me "Has Kevin told you anything about taking time off?" "Nope he hasn't said anything I haven't had a full conversation with him in a while why?" "He told me he was wanting to but I said he should think about it." I walk over and stand next to her "He wants to be there for you and the baby you can't blame him for wanting that much." She smiles and looks at me "Look at you being all wise and mature I'm so happy for you." I roll my eyes "I'm wise and mature all the time what are you talking about?" She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the store "Where are we going now?" "Victoria's Secret." I stop or at least I try to I start trying to dig my feet into the tile flooring of the mall but it doesn't work. "I hate that store it scares me." "They sell things that you wear dummy." "It's a naughty store my innocent eyes will be ruined." "You haven't had innocent eyes since I met you Mallory now we are going to Victoria's Secret I'm getting something for Kevin and you are getting something for Grant." "I don't need anything from this store my sex life with the warbler is great." "You promised you would go shopping and we are so suck it up." I follow her and start mumbling to myself "Being pregnant has made you mean." She turns around and looks at me "I heard that."

Vanessa's POV

While I'm walking through Victoria's Secret I keep looking at Mallory who is staying a good three feet away from the hangers and stands, making sure she doesn't touch anything I laugh to myself and can't believe that she hates this store. I find a nice little blue number that I know that Kevin will love, I look for one in my size then grab it and walk over to Mallory who still hasn't picked up one thing "If you don't pick at least one thing I will pick something for you." She gulps then quickly grabs something black then walks with me to the counter and I hear muttering to herself "I can't believe you're making me buy this." "Stop freaking out, Grant will love it." "I don't care if the pope loves it."

Kevin's POV

Vanessa walks in from shopping and is loaded with bags, I walk over and look through them but lose interest when I don't see food or anything else that catches my eye she picks up her bags then walks upstairs to our bedroom and starts putting things away and I walk back over to the couch almost an hour later I hear her calling me, I get up off the couch and begin to walk upstairs.

Grant's POV

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out and look at the text message and it's from my girl I read it to myself "How about dinner tonight my place ;)?" I reply back quickly with my answer and let her know that I will see her later on tonight and I wonder what we will be doing tonight.

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